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Ho Chi Sock

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Everything posted by Ho Chi Sock

  1. Sometimes hints don't work. Sometimes the higher-ups don't care, since they don't have to be around them. Sometimes... You have to take matters into your own hands.
  2. Tell him to go home and wash his nasty ass. I've told people that before. Fuck somebody's feelings, my nose is over here being assaulted by the funk!
  3. Yeast infection?
  4. You could always pretend you're a winner...
  5. Hammer time
  6. Have you been hanging around that crazy cat lady again? Does she tell you to post shit like this?
  7. Apply now.
  8. Guys, guys. He wasn't "looking" for the ticket, he was looking for used tampons to snack on. It was a "coincidence" he overheard about the ticket. But if he just so happened to "stumble upon" the ticket, well, it would be the Trash Fairy smiling down on ol' Packard.
  9. Why are you digging through the trash? Looking for a used tampon to chew on?
  10. I kicked its ass
  11. You freeze hobo semen so you can snack on it later. Got it. And you're going to attempt your first deep throat tonight? Packard, ladies and gentlemen.
  12. ...you were still polishing hobo knobs, behind McDonald's. Some things never change.
  13. So does mommy know? And why hasn't she kicked you out yet?
  14. I pooped. 💩
  15. McPackard's delivers. "You'll smell 'em before you see 'em." - McPackard's famous motto about their delivery bums
  16. Exactly. What could possibly go wrong?
  17. It wouldn't hurt you to skip a meal. Or, you could bring your lunch from home. Or, worst case scenario, order something from McPackard's. Delivery by derelict is free. Made especially for you, professionally prepared by Packard himself, using his state-of-the-art 1972 toaster oven.
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