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Ho Chi Sock

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Everything posted by Ho Chi Sock

  1. Absolutely. It will always have a place in my heart, as do a lot of NES soundtracks. Right now I'm on a Castlevania kick, since I downloaded the Castlevania Collection from the PS Store. Ah, nostalgia.
  2. Talking to your hand again?
  3. It's a look, alright. Don't know about a good one, though.
  4. I think that's called liver failure
  5. I thought this was about your bowels and all the toaster pork you consume.
  6. Mentally, yes. Physically, most certainly not. No play for Mr. Grey.
  7. Eat more fiber.
  8. Give up on the teens, you creep.
  9. Cool. Good luck.
  10. Well, shit.
  11. Why ask why?
  12. I tried. Didn't work. Enjoy working with the B.O. guy. Febreeze his ass.
  13. My brain functions well enough that I can keep my finances under control, unlike certain people who have to get a second job at Dollar General. So put that in your butt and smoke it.
  14. So... You know what musky skunk penis smells like... You nasty. 😦😱
  15. You are horrible, in every way.
  16. Happy belated birthday, you creepy sumbitch. 🍻
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