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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Had an incredibly bizarre dream about the apocalypse, except it was set in the Family Guy universe. Also this universe complete meme-ified itself and featured The Simpsons and Spongebob, as well as real life segments. The apocalypse was seemingly averted when Peter recorded a version of "Crazy Train" that when played backwards would let people know how to keep themselves safe from the vengeful god that was destroying all life. Peter actually had to travel back in time to make this, and then it wasn't even fully effective until the Foo Fighters covered Crazy Train but to the tune of My Hero. Even then it was covered again into a hip hop version and still kept the properties of playing it backwards to learn the way to combat the apocalypse. Also Smithers and Mr. Burns were married, but Mr. Burns got angry when the apocalypse occurred and turned into a werewolf to try and kill Smithers, but Smithers turned into a vampire and killed him. Then in mourning he became a real human and the human versions of Peter and crew ran away from him after calling him a clown, even though he was not wearing clown makeup. He was also pantless and his underwear ripped to show his butt as he was chasing the group while doing a weird zombie-like shuffle. Anyway how's your day.
  2. Street Fellatio 2 Double Bad Dragon Final Fantasy Fuck Ass-to-Asses Creed Donkey Schlong Country Super Smash Bros MILF-Lay
  3. I would carve one word into the flesh of each person I killed until the bodies amounted to the full lyrics of "All Star" by Smash Mouth, and then my spree of terror would be finished.
  4. V/H/S 2 got to me. Specifically the cult and the alien invasion sequences. And The Babadook left me spooked for a good bit.
  5. She gave birth to you.
  7. Actually it's not. I was gonna make a joke here but then I thought "why bother." I'm just tired and I'm bored at work and I have lots of things going through my head and all I do is imagine being rich to make my problems go away and think about boobs as a distraction from everything that makes me depressed.
  8. Too tired to think of a rhyme
  9. Should've asked if they served Bailey's that way.
  10. Anything indicating the woman is not 110% invested in it, from sounding like she's crying/actually crying to just being apathetic about the whole situation. It's why I like Ava Devine. Well, the fact that she's so hyped to fuck and also because her massive boobs.
  11. At first I was thinking "Mr. Blue Sky" and I was about to crack some skulls for not giving the song the respek it deserves. But then I reread the thread title and
  12. GuyBeardmane


    Yaaaaay spookums! 💀👻👽🤡
  13. Tool never really stuck out to me when I was younger, but I really like the songs from the new album that I've heard.
  14. PSLs all day, because I'm a basic bitch.
  16. https://math.wonderhowto.com/how-to/learn-calculus-20-minutes-295973/
  17. Someone tell me what about my face would make a stranger want to tell me all about whatever anime/mmorpg/tabletop rpg/tcg they're into. What about me indicates I give a fuck.
  18. Do Pokemon. They have pikachu.
  19. I can masturbate ambidextrously.
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