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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Happy poofiversary <3<3<3
  2. Building a full lego set is always fun. You should do it. Find a neat Castle set.
  3. Gadget. Gadget Hackwrench. And who didn't? Rebecca Cunningham is the name of bear single mom from Talespin. Peg is Pete's wife from Goof Troop. And all three of them are the introduction to furry fetish for an entire generation. At least as an Xennial I had Cheetara from Thundercats to ease me into it.
  4. Talespin was supposed to be a spinoff from Ducktales starring Launchpad McQuack, but the people behind it figured that Launchpad wasn't a strong enough character to carry his own show. So they worked in characters from The Jungle Book and that's how the show came to be.
  5. Remember the early- to mid-aughts when everyone thought he was hilarious because he couldn't keep a straight face on SNL?
  6. On a related note, someone buy me this
  7. YouTube should ban him for his casual racism and his "I'm a white supremacist loljk you guys but seriously I'm okay with Hitler's message" attitude.
  8. I can masturbate ambidextrously. I was also told by my orthodontist to warn any girlfriends that I had the world's strongest tongue.
  9. No you
  10. Nayru was malonloveslink and she was a doll. I ❤ her. Also @lunarnoodle, because she is fantastic and also a meme. "I'm lunarnoodle, man" is an iconic phrase.
  11. But is the closing still Bowling for Soup's cover of "I Ran?"
  12. So you get this shit instead. I'm sorry, I am a disappointment.
  13. I don't play a lot of modern horror, but I've picked up quite a few pixel-horror and RPG-Maker style horror games from Steam that did pretty dang good at creepin' me out. Doki Doki Literature Club, The Crooked Man, Misao, and Mad Father are good. I actually haven't even completed The Crooked Man because I got killed in the hotel on the second encounter and was too unnerved to resume. I also have The Sand Man and The Boogie Man that I haven't played. Faith/Faith 2 both effectively creeped me out but I've only watched the Scary Game Squad play those. Also the Chzo Mythos games were REALLY creepy, and again I only watched a playthrough of each of those games by Lucahjin, but they were still creepy af.
  14. Just the Chinese. Japanese vaginas are all pixelated.
  15. Good times, those. Chilling around and waiting for the bomb squad to say that you're safe.
  16. Fire dept. and police going into a house just a few houses down the street in hazmat suits because meth lab.
  17. The U.S. gov't killed the Kennedys and covered it up.
  18. Number 86: Spheksophobia – The fear of wasps. You panic and fear getting stung by it. That's not a phobia. That's just being a rational human being. Fuck a wasp.
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