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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. It's not really a ghost story but it's the closest I have. I was hanging out with a friend of mine and she was having a bit of stress and wanted to take a walk. Tells me that she usually walks down this road across the street from her apartment and circles back, but it passes a graveyard and it's after midnight at this point. We go for the walk and the entire time I'm taking the piss out of her, saying "ooh, we're gonna see a spooky ghost oooOOOooo" and we're laughing about it, but we both freeze like 500 feet away from the graveyard because we're staring at a weird thing just fluttering in the wind and hovering over the graves. After what felt like forever but was only a second or two it clicks that it's the flag on the flagpole looking faded out because of the yellow street light. We both laugh it off but didn't say a damn thing about ghosts after that.
  2. I just wait. I distract myself with movies, YouTube, outside things, and at the same time I sit inside my head and talk myself through things, try to look at the situations or people that make me rage from an outside perspective, and come to the conclusion that the rage doesn't help me with anything.
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