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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I had a dream about women last night. Except they were vampires and were the daughters of Hitler. One of them was a massive shadow monster lady and the other one looked like Nami from One Piece. The shadow lady was named Elizabeth Bathory, Nami didn't have a name. Also Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were there, and Dean Ambrose stole a crystal lampshade and got arrested but then released and I think Elizabeth Bathory was after the crystal lampshade for some reason.
  2. I'm going to throw myself off a bridge because of these shitty people blowing up the phones at work. And also because of the shitty people I work with.
  3. You can come live in hiding with me. We'll have sleepovers and pizza and make outs.
  4. I look like a fat Andy Gibb.
  5. I see you and I raise you Monks 'n' Roses.
  6. This reading, the animation, everything about this is gorgeous.
  7. I absolutely adored this movie. And Steg is best fusion.
  8. Good enough ๐Ÿ˜˜
  9. You promise ๐Ÿ˜
  10. We are state neighbors!
  11. Kentucky.
  12. There's a rock station in Lexington that plays all the new stuff, but every now and then they'll have throwbacks and play "Enter Sandman" or even some Pink Floyd like you've mentioned. I think the Rock genre is fading out so they still hold on to the older songs.
  13. Home
  14. Good, good. I'll still come over an massage your boobs though. To help them get bigger. Purely for your benefit. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  15. WE MUST RECTIFY THIS. I SHALL COME FEED YOU CHEESE AND MASSAGE THEM FOR YOU. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Boobs-Grow-Faster
  16. So yesterday on my way to work, the classic rock station played "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf, "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes, and then "Rag Doll" by Aerosmith.
  17. Trufax, this is clever and artistic. Like, finding the exact pose in order to self censor one's entire mirror nude with one finger is pretty artsy. Also Riamu is best girl.
  18. So this lil girl at work today was wearing this dress that was long in the back, like to the ankles but split in the front and down to the knees. It was really cool and I told her I liked it and I said it was kind of the mullet of dresses. Another coworker cracks up at the description and decides to search "the mullet of dresses" and then a bunch of articles and pictures come up of similar dresses and it turns out they're called mullet dresses. So, you know, I learned something today.
  19. Hey poof, I'm bored at work. Are you still bored? ๐Ÿ˜˜
  20. 7925-1568-8858-0909 Add me.
  21. No, it was a refrigerated break room sammich.
  22. I am envious. I just had the most microwavable chicken sandwich in my life.
  23. I'ma wait for an official answer from Google, but things aren't looking good right now.
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