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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Smells like the 90s but is actually 2019.
  2. He is a good floofer.
  3. What flavor jellybeans, though?
  4. I have too many doppelgangers.
  5. Share.
  6. Like, no quiz or anything here. Just, what kind of trainer would you be and who would be on your team? I'd be a Poison-Type trainer with Nidoking, Toxicroak, Crobat, Salazzle, Dragalge, and Tentacruel as my team. It's a good coverage team. I would also have a secondary Sleep Team, with Snorlax, Slaking, Slowking, Slowbro, Komala, and Abra.
  7. GuyBeardmane


    What about the tent I'm pitchin in my pants right now, babeh 😘
  8. Her planet needs to send more of her.
  9. Yeah, it's a fake. Not chicken, because for it to still move it would have to be deboned and plucked in the last two minutes. It could be frog legs or calamari because they respond and move when salt is applied. Or it's entirely faked like Slenderman.
  10. Ain't nothin but a heartache
  11. UEMB's bird is boobies, of course.
  12. Considering that Porygon is a fully manufactured pokemon that didn't exist until programmers made it, put the data in a pokeball, and then activated the ball this creating a brand new organism out of computer data, does that mean that genetic engineering of pokemon is as simple as rewriting code? As such, couldn't a single person with a master ball create an army of a legendary pokemon? Like, cloning and breeding are no problems once you discover the code that makes up an organism. I think this is why hackmons are so prevalent.
  13. I was expecting naked poof. I am just a bit disappointed, but I am still pleased by Muskrat.
  15. I coughed at the same time I farted and I made a sharbus in my undies. Took a shower right away.
  16. Too much water
  17. Like, I know this is a thing already on reddit but FUCK reddit. I wrote one and want to share it, so here it comes. When decapitated, the brain can make the eyes blink and mouth move for a few seconds. The body shouldn't be moving around though, right? There's my two sentence horror story. Share one of yours!
  18. 7Up branded platformer. Actually a really fun game. I rented it a lot when I was young.
  19. 12/10, deserves aggressive cheering
  20. Nudes won't fix it, but I wanna see some tiddies anyway.
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