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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. This is a good, clear explanation, and now I am not confused.
  2. I have sent my scores in today. And let me tell you, there WILL be a reckoning.
  3. Because Fabio and I weren't born yet. See, I'm making the joke about why magical hair was given to Samson instead of someone else, while also expressing the vanity I have in my hair.
  4. But I was making a PBJ sammich and I noticed the peanut butter jar said "vegan" on it. Makes me wonder, what kind of peanut butter ISN'T vegan? It's all peanuts and corn syrup, isn't it?
  5. Ladies and Gentlemen. Lou Vega. That is all.
  6. It's actually well worth a read. The author makes fun of the concept as well, but it's a good article on modern english.
  7. https://www.audubon.org/news/when-bird-birb-extremely-important-guide?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  8. Okay so one time I actually drank one of those garlic sauce things like a shot. Immediate regret. Sure, it's good when you dip breadsticks or pizza into it, but consuming the whole cup all at once is just too much. Spent the next few hours with an overpowering garlic taste.
  9. Step 1: Buy Stardew Valley Step 2: Live Stardew Valley
  11. It's a book series That became a video game series That recently became a Netflix series
  12. This guy is an hero. Trolling via touchtunes is the greatest.
  13. Is that Miles Edgeworth 1987 style?
  14. And then there are those David S. Pumpkins moments where Dad and Uncle are together and forget they're the responsible adults and are just fucking around and it's hilarious.
  15. The Soul Blazer Trilogy should definitely get an updo. Dragon Quest IX needs a remake the way VII got remade on the 3DS. In fact, all Dragon Quest titles should get the DQVIII 3DS treatment. And considering Legend of Dragoon's original code is gone, that will have to be remade if it's to make an appearance anywhere else.
  16. Why you gotta hate on my Hank Hill booty
  17. Look, man, I don't know wtf I did this morning let alone in this scenario.
  18. We sure pulled ourselves by our bootstraps after those first few years of purges. Glad someone figured out how to fix the internet because I was actually about to be sacrificed to a scarecrow with a football for a head.
  19. One year left.
  20. https://www.16personalities.com/isfp-personality Adventurer? Only if you count the mines of Stardew Valley.
  21. How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None. That's all I got.
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