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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. You were probably letting the days go by and letting the water hold you down.
  2. It's not even that I need a haircut, I just want my mane pampered.
  3. Hell yeah. Only thing you catchin wearin a lucha mask is a hurricanrana.
  4. I'm just mad it's not coming to Switch. I'm gonna assume that's only gonna be a temporary thing, but I am all about this remaster.
  5. I'd offer to be the stripper that pops out of the cake but really I just wanna eat the cake.
  6. We talkin' about pirates here? Awesome, awesome.
  7. I've read the articles about him, just don't recall either seeing his photo or applying his face to memory.
  8. See, you could've said "it's Brock Turner" instead of making me do a Google Image Search. It's not so much that he looks punchable, but rather that he deserves to be punched repeatedly and to near death every time he steps outside his home. His dad too, since we're on the subject.
  9. What's this kid's story? I don't think he looks that punchable. More like just incredibly out of place. Like he's wearing his dad's suit.
  10. It's the truck from Jeepers Creepers.
  11. The song is fucking amazing, but I'm also digging all of these mashups that shouldn't exist.
  12. Found this scrolling through Reddit.
  13. So it turns out I'm just a liar. Powering off does not let me turn the thing back on just by pressing the home button. Problem solved.
  14. I appreciate it. But yeah, the Lite doesn't take long to charge, and putting it on Sleep Mode is effective. I was just on 15% battery life, plugged in and kept playing, and after five or so minutes battery life was already showing up at 26%. So far I'm satisfied with this thing.
  15. I dunno what's up with mine, then. But it's not like it's damaging the system though, so it's all good.
  16. Even when turning it off that way, as soon as I press the Home button it wakes up like it was just in Sleep mode. I'm assuming the Power Off and Sleep Mode are the same thing, and it only has the Power option in the menu just to put people's minds at ease. Just like saying "Yeah, it's off. You're fine. Don't worry about it."
  17. I'm a fan of Whopcorn, but bunchacrunch is fantastic too.
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