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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Recently got a Switch Light, finally playing Pokemon Sword. The initial trailers and controversy had kind of turned me off of the game, but having just started my adventure in Galar yesterday and getting my first gym badge, I'm stoked. Game is solid. Now I just have to wait until I can get the 994 pokes I have in Home out into the game.
  2. Is there some kind of link or is this just a reaction thread.
  3. Will Zmith. Big Willy Ztyle.
  4. Same. Mine was a Gundam forum. That's where I found the quote "real girls are for losers who can't get cartoon porn."
  5. sometimes I just want to listen to the original product. It's a fuckin' good song.
  6. This. If I'm in a certain mood, I'll go and delete conversations. Otherwise I'm not gonna bother. Also this. If I get nudes I'm saving them for eternity.
  7. Goddammit I fell for it. I'm the pissed-off monkey.
  8. Oh yeah, there's gonna be a crossover. Flo, Erin Esurance, and the Geico team (like, all of them. The gecko, the cavemen, the hump day camel, Maxwell the Pig, etc.) teaming up to take down Mayhem. JK Simmons from the Farmers Insurance will be the Coulson to Allstate Voiceover guy's Nick Fury.
  9. I think Mayhem from the Allstate commercials would be a better candidate than Flo for cinema, because he's a natural antagonist. Also I just looked it up to see what brand he was associated with and holy shit he was Ryan O'Reilly in Oz. That guy was a piece of shit. Fuck Ryan O'Reilly.
  10. I get what you're saying, and although that's literally the only way I could watch Naoki Urasawa's Monster again, I'll have to refrain.
  11. I'm the only person on my contract who couldn't change over to work-from-home, so I've been on furlough/collecting unemployment until our worksite is reopened. Thing is, I'm actually making a shitload more money on unemployment than I was working 40 hour work weeks because the state thinks that my actual income wasn't enough to live on or something? Like, that's kind of a big thing to think about, why the state thinks my wage while working is fine but when it comes to being quarantined I need more income to be considered sustainable. ANYWAY I'm bored with watching things on Youtube all the time and I'm thinking I may want to sign up for a streaming site now that I'm actually making some money. I used to have Netflix but haven't in several years, so I have no idea what's on anything and what's good and why I should spend my money on any of them. So tell me why (ain't nothin' but a heartbreak)
  12. I would, but only because I'm typically only good for two dates before women decide I'm not what they're into. Otherwise I'd say no, because the whole thing about women with kids is just too much baggage for me.
  13. Birf!
  14. The doomed romance of Michelle and Kai. Sad feels. Made me cry when she put on the veil and walked on shore because I knew what was coming next. I've been inside too long and need real humans to deal with.
  15. I wish you were Michael Corleone's third child.
  16. The last time I went to a movie that had the THX promo beforehand, my friend still quoted that sentence to me. It's eternal.
  18. There was one time when I was in high school that I saw a real life nun. I was sitting in Subway and a car pulled up out front, and in the passenger seat was this nun in the full habit with the headdress on and everything and I kinda stopped and was in awe because it was like seeing Santa Claus.
  19. Well damn. Then that means the wasp that stung me in the palm a couple years ago just quickly buzzed his friends so they would threaten me too? What a fucking asshole. I hate wasps.
  20. It's-a living.
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