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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. It's pheromones. Wasps in particular have certain pheromones released with their stings that draws other wasps to attack the target as well. Applying garlic to the sting covers the scent and helps as a deterrent.
  2. So I guess you could say they're just doing it out of habit now.
  3. Dodecahedron? More like Large Hadron Collider.
  4. WinCo? More like dudeco
  5. It wasn't until the past ten years I finally got the joke "Where does Napoleon keep his armies? In his sleevies" because I said it out loud instead of reading it in a joke book. I laughed like a moron after that.
  6. My sleep cycle is gonna be thrown off so bad if/when work calls and I have to resume my previous schedule.
  7. Shining Force 2 is so much better.
  8. I can't say I ever cheated on a girl. I mean there was that one time my six girlfriends gathered in one of their houses. They could have called me out on poly dating and gotten mad, but I had a rabbit's foot in my backpack so instead we sat around and gossiped about Marnie and Mayor Lewis's relationship. Still can't believe Penny didn't pick up on that.
  9. But the milk is chunky.
  10. This is the content I was looking for.
  11. @helpme who's that between Jason and Pinhead?
  12. I think they're holding an intervention. For what, I don't know.
  13. They best get tf out. Proper social distancing.
  14. Shit man, I need a hardcore scalp massage and braid. This hair is used to being pampered.
  15. No one has played with my hair in over a month. I am dying.
  16. To go full meta with that scenario, though, what if our universe where Pokemon is just a video game is one of those alternate universes? Pokemon exist, and there are people who have found ways to hack the game to create designer pokemon with full IVs, shiny variants, and the specific moves they want. It's b-a-n-a-n-a-s.
  17. This is an extremely likely and viable answer. The first person who slaps a kid and takes their pokeballs after losing a match is going to conquer the world.
  18. Some basic history to establish where I'm going with this subject: In the pokemon universe, the creatures that exist there are capable of being turned into data and stored in pokeballs. This is why the PC system works, and why the original genetic engineering that created Mewtwo was not attempted when scientists created Porygon. There also exists a computer virus called Pokerus that allows Pokemon to get double the effort points used when leveling up Effort Values. This is important outside of the universe of the game as well. Competitive battlers like to breed and train pokemon for the maximum Individual Values, Effort Values, and nature so they can have the best competitively viable team. There is an esports league that hosts the Pokemon World Championship tournament with the winner getting $10,000. With all of this exposition, now we get to the question: in the Pokemon universe, how many pokemon are actually real creatures? According to different books you'll find, there are historic recollections of humans and pokemon living side by side for thousands of years. There are even fossilized pokemon, which means there have been pokemon since prehistory. But when we add increasing technology to the mix, you have to wonder how many of these pokemon were just programs written by people who wanted to see a bigger, stronger, or sexier pokemon? Think about Charizard X and Y. Originally we only had Charizard, but then Mega-Evolution was "discovered" for certain pokemon. What if Mega-Evolution was just people toying around with the code of their Charizard wanting to find a cooler looking Charizard? What about the Alolan and Galarian forms of pokemon? Were these just regular mons that were re-written to look different? And even the fairy-type. Did some programmer just say "You know what, I want to invent a type of pokemon that's immune to Dragon type because they're too strong and also my waifu-mon Gardevoir is gonna be this type" and come up with a way to re-type certain pokemon as well as create a few that are this new type? They know they've got the capability, considering they've created the PC system and Porygon. How long before someone just decides to create a Pokemon with no weaknesses and take over the world?
  19. Pete had two kids.
  20. Because you didn't turn off google maps when you made a pit stop because you couldn't hold it for the expected remaining 25 minutes.
  21. Here's a picture of Ernest and Snow White for your effort in opening this thread.
  22. This being the meme thread I was hoping one of those would be pornhub.
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