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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
  2. The anime is just like the manga. Like, 100% of the manga is interpreted in the anime. This is good because the anime is only watchable via piracy now but the manga can be purchased. I just finished the Perfect Collection today and it's as intense at the anime was. Goddamn I need a drink now to settle myself.
  3. The thread's already on page 2 and no one's replied with this one yet?
  4. "Tattaglia was a pimp. He never could've outfought Santino. But it wasn't until this night I learned it was Easter Bunnzini all along."
  5. Does it smell like fart
  6. The Godfather, but Vito Corleone is Santa Claus and the family business is Christmas.
  7. I had to look him up. I can't be the only one who thought about fishbulb though, right?
  8. One of my favorite games, but naturally my heart goes out for the last song. And then someone goes and remasters it and now my tears are crying.
  9. So I just started Fire Emblem: Three Houses and so far I'm enjoying it. Manuela is bae because titty teacher is best. Also I was searching to see if she was a marriage candidate in the game because I didn't want to get too attached only to find out she wasn't an option and WELP
  10. That's the whole game.
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