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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. What I am, though, is a giant dumbass who tried cutting down a wet conifer bush with a corded chainsaw.
  2. Fuckin' A, right? Like, I want to know about ALLLLLLL the contracts for cameos. Basically I want to see a whole Toon Town cinematic universe where they're just united by the theme of Toons and Humans living together. Like, I want a romantic drama starring Shannyn Sossamon and Doug Funnie.
  3. The universe depicted in the Rescue Rangers movie features cartoons and humans living side-by-side, as well as puppets/muppets. The world the characters live in treat this as natural, as if the events of Who Framed Roger Rabbit had occurred and as time went on Toons decided to move from Toon Town and went through their own equal rights movement (which was probably a lot less messy than reality, because reality blows). Roger Rabbit even makes a cameo, as does the Dip. The movie also expands on the idea of Toons to include stop-motion/claymation and puppets/muppets as sentient beings. I want another movie in this universe. Not necessarily another Rescue Rangers movie or even Roger Rabbit, but something else along the lines where the universes blend together. Considering there's a scene of Batman vs. ET in this movie, when Disney doesn't own Amblin or WB/DC, I don't see why there couldn't be a movie where some Looney Tunes D-list characters watch a trailer for a Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, Spider-Man from the 90s animated show on FOX, Spider-Man from the 70s animated show, and Spider-Man from Into the Spiderverse.
  4. I thought that was Pitch Black version 2, but it actually was Mountain Dew Dark Berry.
  5. Are you kidding, I'm fucking disgusting. Ewwwww
  6. Yeah, they made a creepy pervert dino who stalked a little girl by combining the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World 1 with a Velociraptor. Spoilers:
  7. I saw some and bought it and thought "hey, didn't this flavor come out before?" The label had the Jurassic World 3 logo on it and advertises tickets. Then I thought "hey, the last time I went on a date we went to see Jurassic World 2." So then I looked up when Jurassic World 2 came out and found out that it's been four years next month since the movie released. So it's been four years since I've been on a date and also have gone to a movie theater.
  8. If I wasn't a coward I'd take my friend up on his offer to move in and then just completely sever all ties with my family like I want to.
  9. We didn't have to wait for 2029 to have a new market collapse. The 20s are amped up this time.
  10. Here's a 2014 interview with someone with the last name Hitler. From things I've looked up, Disney is an uncommon last name. It's an old Norman shortening of "de Isigny," basically saying someone is of the French region of Isigny. Other last names took prominence.
  11. Because I'm a 39 year old ska kid.
  12. Are they hotter than the previous one? Any upgrade doesn't count to any assumptions people make.
  13. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdq6MDyA/
  14. Are you talking about wabbit twacks?
  15. Life is meaningless, Ed-boy. Accept your fate at the hands of the son of a shepherd.
  16. Pepsi Nitro. Instead of carbonated water, it's infused with nitrogen. Makes it extra fizzy, but when you get to the cola part it's velvety smooth. Coca-Cola Starlight. Totally gingerbread coke. Limited edition flavor. Also birthday cake Mountain Dew, because fuck it.
  17. You have no idea what this post means to me. This specific album/band has been a missing memory that I've been trying to recover for a couple of years now. I knew I remembered them, but I didn't remember them. As soon as I saw this image it clicked and I'm so glad it did.
  18. That nitro shit is gooooooooooood. It's super smooth. All the bubblies are in the nitrogen fizz and then the fizz goes away and you get a really smooth cola.
  19. This is a solid joke that failed to land in my brain until just now.
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