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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I'm accusing Poof of having a hidden agenda, and that hidden agenda is to make out with me. Okay that's not so much a hidden agenda as it is me projecting my desire to make out with Poof on her, but still.
  2. GuyBeardmane


    It tastes like liquid watermelon jolly ranchers.
  3. It's a direct and unadulterated slap in the face. Like, "hey, town that only gets tourists because of a fucking casino and this giant-ass Superman statue, I'm gonna open a business that blatantly references a Marvel superhero rather than a DC superhero, and not only that but a Marvel superhero that could canonically beat Superman due to the nature of his powers."
  4. I've been to Metropolis. It was super sad. Like, they have the giant Superman statue and like a small row of buildings that give the whole small town vibe, they have a statue of a female reporter that they compare to Lois Lane, and then there's Thor's Gym. And then outside of that little street there is absolutely nothing, and about two blocks away there is a massive Harrah's Casino. Also these are old af, I have short hair in these pictures.
  5. I don't remember that but it totally tracks.
  6. Poof's neighbor https://imgur.com/gallery/MiQqGaX
  7. Mandela Effect. Coincidentally he played Nelson Mandela in a 1997 TV movie.
  8. Look, if she wants to reveal to me that she's a Lamia and plans on seducing me into a false sense of security whilst she's actually constricting around me and getting ready to unhinge her jaw and swallow me whole, then sign me up. I just hope that I die of suffocation or pain from breaking bones before I actually get vored.
  9. What would even go on a Roethlisburger?
  10. I just replaced mine with a replica.
  11. I'm almost 40. I ain't wasting my time farming pennies for a fortune when a million should last me until I die.
  12. The TRUE first MCU movie.
  13. That's what bothers you? For me it's the part where Peach isn't blonde.
  14. My ex was Korean. She had fake boobs. They were great. She turned out to be a cunt.
  15. Got some mail yesterday with no return address but the envelope was hand written. Thinking "oh, I got a personal letter." Open it up and three religious tracts are inside. Fuckin evangelicals.
  16. Personally, I believe he was murdered by guards. But there's no evidence to say he was so I'm sitting on that and not digging deeper into the crackpot theories that other people have.
  17. I'm not going to make it a full thing either, but I offer the counterpoint that he was on suicide watch for a reason, and then they took him off suicide watch. Like, if someone is in prison for being a human trafficker dealing specifically in children and catering to the rich and powerful, they certainly may feel a lot of guilt. So you keep them on suicide watch and under 24 hour personal surveillance until they can testify. You don't just say "oh, he doesn't want to kill himself anymore oops isn't it convenient the guards aren't there oh no the cameras went out" and then when he dies you wonder "oh wow I wish we knew what happened oh well we can't do anything." Like, I don't do anything beyond the surface level digging because there's not enough evidence to conclusively point to a suspect, but things were in no way kosher in Epstein's death.
  18. Well, because he's dead.
  19. I see how it is, copying the whole birthday thing. Happy Birthday, Buddy. Hope it's a good one.
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