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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I think if I ever make another online dating profile, I'm gonna make it like one of those 90s Disney Vault commercials. Hype me up like a legendary tale, but available only for a limited time.
  2. Just filed my tax return. They wanted my driver's license number and I discovered my driver's license has expired. Good times.
  3. It's a different kind of party, but def worth it.
  4. KFC's fries are incredible. Also I miss the Double Down.
  5. That's such a waste of time, and yet I've got nothing better to do.
  6. What are the qualities that make songs like "Never Gonna Give You Up," "All Star," "Africa," and "September" so interesting and catchy that memes have been made about them and continue to be made about them for years? And if we determine the characteristics that make a song meme-able, would we be able to predict the next song to become a major meme, or even further; compose a song exclusively for the meme-ability?
  7. Just one year away from being barely 17.
  8. If I was stupid rich enough to have a sunroom, you're damn right I'd want a tv in there. Just put on one of those music channels and be set with it.
  9. Found out the Enzyte commercial song had a real name.
  10. Watched a video yesterday by Jesse Cox where he said NFTs were Beanie Babies and I never heard a more apt comparison in my life.
  11. Each post is valued at $4,500. I am now taking offers on each post I make. Lol topical post.
  12. GuyBeardmane

    bah gawd

    Fruity, delicious, delicious, fruity, fruity, fruity
  13. She has a smoker's meow and it's the best.
  14. On the flip side of most people here, I'd say Weird Al Yankovic. Like, dude is a fucking treasure and I adore him. I'd love to see his show live, but given the chance to have a meet and greet with the man I'd have to turn it down because I would lose my shit. I'd be the incredibly awkward guy and Weird Al would look at me and say "okay, that's enough of this joker, let's go." I'd hate to leave a bad impression on Weird Al.
  15. GuyBeardmane

    bah gawd

  16. ...they didn't stop to think if they should.
  17. GuyBeardmane

    bah gawd

    Not a Jim Ross reference. I am disappoint.
  18. I really want to try ecstasy. That's it. That's the big thing that's been consuming my thoughts lately. Just goin through the motions of the day and thinking "but what if I did this on E."
  19. GuyBeardmane


    ...a bee with ANTLERS.
  20. The Pyramids have been around forever BECAUSE their schemes are so successful!
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