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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. "I assure you David Pro, spending ever last yen on the animation for Tamaki pretending to be on the phone is crucial to the plot."
  2. Cyberpunk can Polish my wood.
  3. I usually enjoy the ones that have sugar crystals baked on top of them. Sometimes it’s the square and sometimes it’s the pretzel shaped one.
  4. Katanagatari ranks high up there. The writing was on-point and Shichika & Togame had great chemistry. There are a lot of comedies I’d consider to be the greatest, but for an action/drama anime, I’d probably pick Katanagatari or Garden of Sinners.
  5. Nah, this was memes
  6. I was thinking of getting it around Cyber Monday, but I spent too much on games this holiday that I’ll have to wait a while before I get this one.
  7. It’ll take at least five different protagonists before one is able to find the family heirloom that will appease the Elf.
  8. Along with what everyone else is saying, don’t deny yourself of a ton of cool future experiences because everyone’s a bundle of dicks at the moment.
  9. Master Roshi has a lot of work ahead of him whenever Goku, Krillin, and Vegeta go away to train.
  10. With all of those kakarots plastered on the cover of his own brand, his seasoning is clearly made from tears.
  11. I just had a packet of instant udon that was just a brick of Playdoh noodles in plain chicken broth. Now I know what I’ll be eating when I need a depressing meal to go with the depression.
  12. Ah, the Heroman days. I wanted that one to be better but Joey’s only power was clicking a button to summon a robot to fight his battles. That, and serving Stan Lee his morning coffee.
  13. That’s an old one that came out in the early 2010’s and aired them on G4. At the time, they also made anime shows for X-Men, Iron Man, and Blade. I haven’t seen them, but they were pretty divisive at the time they came out. Some people were pleasantly surprised while others hated the differences between their anime and comic book counterparts. The Blade one seems to get less flack, but since the X-men fanbase is massive and Iron Man was America’s new favorite hero, there are higher and loftier expectations to get the popular heroes correct to a T while the main audience expectation for Blade is to be a kickass vampire slayer.
  14. The potato and potato/onion pirogies are great, but I haven’t had enough of them to give a better verdict on different varieties.
  15. Apple chicken sausage is alright. Not sure it’d go with saurkraut & potatoes, but I can live with it.
  16. Time is a flat circle.
  17. Shonen Jump would have to crazy not to give a long running battle anime 5+ films.
  18. I’m having flashbacks of the X-men, Iron Man, and Wolverine anime shows.
  19. Nachos Bell Grande was my last shame meal, but it turned into a depression meal when the Baja Blast didn’t taste as good as I remembered it being ages ago. Full on depression meal was a soggy roast beef panini from Whole Foods. It was one of those “eat because you gotta” meals and they didn’t have the sandwich I was looking for, so this one had to do. It had no flavor and the produce made the bread watery, making a bad workday worse.
  20. Within the next ten years, there will be an anime adaptation of the phone game, and good luck finding someone who can make sense of that game’s story.
  21. It’s a good way to start finding out info or if you want to know some trivia, but it takes more digging if you want a better grasp of the information you’re looking for.
  22. I thought 03 shat the bed when they made Izumi the mother of Wrath and raped Rose. Aside from Rewrite being an awesome song, the second half suffered from the writers not knowing where exactly to go after they ran out of material to work with. It’s definitely easier to look fondly at 2003 though because Brotherhood came out and there isn’t a situation where the only version of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime is the incomplete one that ended at Shamballa.
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