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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I used to like Fresca, but it might as well drink a Sprite for that clear soda fix.
  2. I put too many hours into Allstar Battle and the PS1 Stardust Crusaders fighting games, but Eyes of Heaven being an arena fighter killed my interest in it. The new additions to the cast were great, but the demo didn’t pull me in like the other two.
  3. K-dramas are quite fun. My Love from the Stars is probably the best one I’ve seen, but Oh My Ghost and To the Beautiful You are very close. Dream High and Hello My Twenties are fun journeys, but they both come with ehh sequels.
  4. Good thing that there’s material to pull through of Dio having a nice drink.
  5. I’m still pissed about Florida. Anywhere that was an actual city with people that exist went blue, but then the inbred swamp people in the drive-over counties ruined it for everyone. They always do this shit to us in every election cycle.
  6. It sounds alright with hash browns and it’s fine if it’s a part of a dip mix or a sour cream donut. But I can’t scoop up sour cream or plain yogurt on a plate and eat it with something. I also got a subscription to Hello Fresh recently and every other dish they want you to make has a sauce that uses sour cream as filler. Over time, it just gives me a negative outlook on sour cream even though it isn’t sour cream’s fault that they want me to mix it with sriracha and call it a day.
  7. Sour cream in anything is a mistake.
  8. Thanksgivings have had the same old stuff on my end, but there was one Christmas where we had a variety of different lasagnas. If things don’t pan out for a gathering, I might send in a few requests for the lasagna theme again.
  9. This is all very dire. But I’ll go with Pikachu because that’s the only picture that doesn’t look like the artist drew it whilst jacking off.
  10. This is my pick for the official song of 2020, but it fits the mood of Election Day as well.
  11. “They’re making the fricking Angels gay!”
  12. I was going to say cars. European and Asian cars give you more reliability and bang for your buck.
  13. When you finally win NNN and let your first one out.
  14. Princess Serenity’s kingdom was a little more impractical about their dress code so the Sailor Scouts were cursed by the mistakes of their ancestors who wore heels instead of ergonomic shoes or sensible clogs.
  15. Yeah, Australia’s Liberal Party is their center-right wing and their current PM has issues with refugee detention and neglecting the bushfires. As liberal as Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, which is also center-right.
  16. I was considering making a thread about the Robert Kardashian hologram because that sounds far more horrifying and insensitive than sweet and thoughtful. Like, who comes up with the idea of using a hologram to make a corpse puppet of your spouse’s late father and have him say a few lines you found from home videos before you make him evaporate into dust? And who gets wholesome vibes from this traumatic experience that simultaneously resurrects and kills a dead family member?
  17. 1. Gummies (peach rings, bears, worms, cola bottles, etc). 2. Skittles 3. Jolly Ranchers 4. Reeses 5. Mounds Hi-Chews are a good runner up. I usually go for fruit candies, but if a chocolate piece is filled with peanut butter, coconut, truffle filling, ganache, or booze, that’s something I can definitely roll with. I like my chocolate as dark as the night sky, so it usually takes some digging to find a plain chocolate bar I’d return to.
  18. As if the spiders and wildfires weren’t enough for Australia’s 2020.
  19. I skimmed through it, but it was a sad watch. You really come to understand how empty that studio is when the camera pans across the dance floor where there’s only about four couples dancing around the stage. The rest is empty space. It was like that one performance that Lit did where they played “My Own Worst Enemy” to the least motivated crowd at a live concert.
  20. That one girl that was just sitting down and tapping her hand on her knee to the beat by the end of the video was a nice touch.
  21. I'm sliding over cars while I shoot...I think that I'm Tom Cruise.
  22. The trailer is trying to sell me on the generic colorful isekai aspects of the series when all they needed to do was sprinkle the PV with the NSFW GIFs that’ll spawn from this.
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