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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Cheap Frick The Dangles Steely Ban Quiet Diot The No-Go Girls
  2. Can't wait to see Akane's feet on Toonami.
  3. You know in this game, you gotta eat the whole ass.
  4. Pruno Mars Fail Out Boy Bootie and the Blowfish
  5. The Fap Band Jefferson Starshit Motley Clue
  6. I took up skateboarding recently so I’m already qualified for an MTV2 reality show.
  7. Ludas Priest The Betch Boys The Perve Go Doubt
  8. “Draining the swamp” is what they call it when one of his advisers has to dispose of his Depends.
  9. I’ve only gotten with one dude and I’m a top. He was skinny and horrible, so I guess fat dudes would be the right answer.
  10. I entered the numbers and it gave me a Touhou Project tentacle doujin.
  11. Ex-Arm’s first episode is looking magnificent.
  12. The Yeah Yeah Neahs Bloc Farty Insane Clown Pusse Nine Inch Fails One Eirection
  13. Having 3.0 and Thrice in the title is pretty defeatist of the Rebuild series. Where they knew they messed up the third movie so if they just insist that You Can (Not) Redo didn’t count, it will take the taste of 3.0 out of everyone’s mouthes.
  14. Sanic! At the Disco Teats for Fears Poundgarden
  15. Right when the hangover begins, I realize we’re going from having an election all week long to having a tropical storm all week long.
  16. Link still has grunts, but every other character has full-on dialogue. In regular Breath of the Wild, the characters voiced by actual professional VAs sounded nice like Urbosa and Revali. Everyone else sounded somewhere between awkward and horrid. Zelda’s was the worst offender because she had a fake British accent that you could spot from a mile away.
  17. Every year, I feel like November has to owe me for not letting me get the time to enjoy an October full of horror movies and candy. But I’ve had more than enough of my fair share of horror this 2020.
  18. Limited Edition Darth Dew Slurpee
  19. Only when the raspberry and mint chocolates end up tasting even worse than I remember.
  20. The beginning of the end of YouTube was when it became the app for when you want your kids to shut up. From then on, it just got flooded with crappy CGI Russian cartoons, toy reviews made by parents who want to exploit their kids for moolah and Elsagate bullshittery.
  21. Aren’t there flight restrictions there? I tried to schedule a honeymoon to Tokyo, but they’re not accepting flights for Americans staying for a short span of time.
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