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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Brand-Focused Detail-Oriented SEO Marketing Guru Rockstar
  2. In this season, the police swordsmen aggressively pursue Kenshin for possessing heinous woodblock prints of children.
  3. Bleach is one of those shows where I’ll get nostalgic about the good times I’ve had with it, but when I give it a glance for old times sake, I’ll understand immediately why it soured on me. It doesn’t help that Bleach ends at such a low point, so The Final Act you had in mind likely won’t be the The Final Act you hoped for.
  4. It’s pretty good, but the last time I had one, there wasn’t enough spicy sauce.
  5. Apparently, Jimmy Pesto stormed the Capitol. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2021/dec/18/bobs-burgers-jay-johnston-capitol-attack-report
  6. The disappearance of Olivia Newton John’s husband.
  7. I’m not as familiar with Anne Rice’s stories aside from the movies for Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned. I also remember the weird period where she was ultra religious in the aughts. I’m ashamed because I’m more familiar with other vampire fetish stories that were inspired by her books.
  8. She was a legend. Giving us Wolfs Rain, writing a ton of Watanabe’s classics & Tokyo Godfathers, and even getting some involvement in on KH 1&2.
  9. It might’ve been for the best. The last time I went to Cheesecake Factory, their Chicken Parmesan option is a pizza with chicken as the crust.
  10. I never felt like I had enough rupees in that game. After selling countless cheap monster parts, I could barely afford supplies or outfits.
  11. The son must’ve had no faith in her mom’s partners to asskiss his stepdad this hard.
  12. Trying to rope kids into the pyramid scheme of getting an expensive exercise bike that comes with expensive classes
  13. Who would win if she had to fight Whitney and her Miltank?
  14. League is a deliberately toxic experience developed by a horrible company, and playing it is an agonizing, self-flagellating experience. The puppy example is crude, but it’s saying something that people gatekeep League from others out of protection.
  15. ‪I don’t see the reason to watch Arcane. ‪If a company that encourages sexual harassment made a game about stomping puppies and that game spawned a critically lauded cartoon about those same puppies having fun adventures, it’d still be a hard sell for me because it’s deliberately meant to promote the puppy stomping simulator and line the pockets of creeps.
  16. Catching up on Ousama Ranking. It’s been one I’ve had on my to-watch list, but kept pushing back. So far, it’s really awesome. I’m planning on watching Vanitas soon because that’s the second anime from this year I kept putting off.
  17. At the very least, he won’t have to worry about losing his stiffness.
  18. The Genesis was such a great console. The Sonic and Aladdin games were fuego 👌
  19. SMT V and the Demon Slayer PS5 game have been taking up a lot of my time lately. I might pop back into Valkyrie Chronicles 1 or 4 since I’m burnt out on the two Tales games I’ve been playing. I got Jump Force during Black Friday and so far, I don’t hate it. It plays better than Eyes of Heaven and has a decent roster. It’s definitely a sloppy kusoge, but it scratches a weird itch.
  20. There are plenty of great cartoons from France that would fit perfectly on the block.
  21. It’s a trap because posting in here proves that I gave a little bit of a shit.
  22. Inserting in someone or someone else inserting?
  23. The best case scenario would be something relevant like Jujutsu Kaisen or Tokyo Revengers. The worst case scenario would be Ex-Arm or heavily censored scat hentai.
  24. Magic Johnson and Larry Bird were hidden gems.
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