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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Happy birthday, Mex! 🎂🎈 🎈 🎈
  3. Also the first time I ever got pulled over was 2006 or 2007. This was later than that, but I have no idea how much later.
  4. What I assume they did is just look at my plate and enter in the number in some....machine.
  5. In my experience they just run your plates in their squad car and that gets all the info they need.
  6. One time I got pulled over (can't exactly remember for what but VERY most likely speeding), so as I was waiting for the cop to come to my window I quickly dug out my registration from my glove box and my license from my wallet and immediately tried handing it to him. He looked at it but didn't take it and asked me what I was doing. I said it's my license and registration. He said I could put it away. I said you don't need to see it? He said, no that's just something Hollywood (meaning TV/movies etc) does. I think he told me police very rarely need to see people's registration and often don't need to see their license.
  7. We already got people buying other peoples' piss for drug tests, now we'll have people buying others' poop to get money from this toilet. I was actually quite enthralled reading that article until I came to the end where it said the average persons' daily poop can power about one load of dishes. Seems like not much of a return.
  8. Intentionally fuck everything up as much as possible so they can blame it on the democrats. Rinse, repeat.
  9. That's a good point, and you're probably right.
  10. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'll still give it a shot if it comes to Toonami, but Vash voiced by anyone but Johnny Young Bosche? Feh.
  11. Looks like I'm not the only one having weather that won't make up its mind. Today was 80, tomorrow is 87, Monday is 95, then for the next 7 days it's between 100 and 103.
  12. I can only speak for me, but I've never heard of it.
  13. Nope. If I suddenly disappear for an extended time, assume our Internet connection's fucked and the ISP is taking their sweet time fixing it, or, I somehow got a life.
  14. Well if you think about it, it was always extremely common to listen to the radio in the car, so basically you're listening to the "radio" but it's only songs from your own personal collection. This makes sense to do in a car because unless you're going on a long drive, chances are you are not going to be able to listen to a whole album uninterrupted anyway.
  15. I'm pretty sure this is a female only thing.
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