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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. *sees "pickle boobs" in your profile* That sounds absolutely horrific.
  2. Woohoo, just like me! I think Mega Man 2 was my first NES game beat. What was yours? EDIT: I see Sega is in your sig, so you probably beat a bunch of Sega games before you were a teen, huh? >_>
  3. I was horrible at NES. I had an NES since I was about three years old, and I don't think I beat a single NES game until I was a teenager.
  4. I get the runs after I eat mcgriddles too. Yuck yuck yuck. -_'
  5. Shouldn't you be helping another dead forum?
  6. Charlie Sheen, on the other hand...
  7. I haven't cared about video games since the N64.
  8. The after kick-off commercial break is probably the single most infuriating thing about TV watching in general.
  9. Maggie Simpson grew up and died her hair blue, I guess.
  10. I don't understand these tiers. But really the only sport I care about these days is baseball. I used to love football in the 90s though. And I definitely agree with you about the constant commercial breaks during football. Jesus Christ.
  11. People eat fat? It's trash. It goes in the garbage. That's not food. Another one I thought of: Kale.
  12. You're the one that to him to kill himself.
  13. "Full sour" just makes it sound like I'd hate it even more.
  14. The most efficient way to fuck up my burger is to put a pickle in it.
  15. I just use milk in my coffee. Naraku's post about tomatoes reminds me... I hate pickles.
  16. And who the fuck could possibly be your beneficiary?
  17. I'm not really a fan of watermelon, but I don't hate it. Artificial watermelon flavor however, is absolutely disgusting.
  18. Isn't scientology a religion though?
  19. I might not have known it was you if not for a long time ago on the ASMB, you posted that Jingai was just another way of spelling Gin Guy, because you liked gin. Before that, I assumed Jingai was a Japanese word/name from an anime. >_>
  20. Honestly my life would be a lot better had I never found the ASMB.
  21. I've never been a fan of spaghetti either. I don't hate it or anything though.
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