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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Broccoli Peas If drinks count, then black coffee.
  2. Nintendo Power, baby!
  3. 11 seconds in, since this board doesn't seem to support starting a youtube video in the middle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xngW79re3dE&feature=youtu.be&t=11s
  4. Luuv is already aware of the problem and they're still tinkering with themes.
  6. That may be true of the important secret entrances, but there are zillions and zillions of secret entrances for rupees and hearts and potions and shops and without a walkthrough there's no way you uncovered them all.
  7. Quick, get some roommates and complain about them.
  8. *googles* You mean there was a female Harry Potter character that wasn't Hermione? You wouldn't know it from the entirety of the Internet since Harry Potter was a thing.
  9. Would you like a hint?
  10. I always liked Farley's line of "LAY OFF MAN, I'M STARVING!"
  11. I don't see you complaining about the comedy folder...
  12. It's more like liking the post and liking the person once each.
  13. There's horror books, horror games....
  14. Is that meant to be eaten with milk? Because that sounds gross.
  15. I thought this was going to be about Too Many Cooks and how the ASMB word filter was *cooks*.
  16. We pretty much already have Food general.
  17. So you're saying the end of the boards heralds the end of the world?
  18. Don't be such a Negative Nancy.
  19. I swore off bikes when i got my driver's license.
  20. Honestly I don't remember a lot of stuff like that. Not saying it didn't happen, it's just that being on IB every day for so long I guess kind of makes it too much to remember. Babbling on the other hand, I was only on from like 2004-2007 or so and then 2011 - 2015 so I have clearer memories of what the Babbling of old was like. Very different than what I came back to in 2011. Remember all the "What are your favorite bands/shows/movies/games/etc" threads Babbling used to get? Come 2011 it seemed like the whole folder was nothing but politics and ITN threads. I was like wtf happened? >
  21. I had to google "aggrandizement" and I'm still not sure I understand. Do you mean what we usually referred to as "blog posts"? Like "this is how my day went, this is how I'm doing" blah blah blah threads? Because there were definitely tons of those.
  22. I honestly think I'm outgrowing AS's brand of humor. The over indulgence of sex/violence/toilet humor often gets eye rolls out of me instead of laughs. I think that's a big reason why Rick and Morty is so popular, it breaks that mold and is genuinely clever. Mike Tyson Mysteries is another great show, and it has its outlet for the shock stuff (mostly pigeon) but it doesn't rely solely on that kind of stuff for laughs. I know this is blasphemy, but aside from R&M and MTM, I enjoy the Fox shows much more than their original programming these days.
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