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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Some people just don't want to be helped. If you're really shy, have really low self esteem, have little to no dating experience, a strong will is needed to break out and look for dates/sex. I don't think greeny is there. In my case, it also helps to have someone specific to crush on, and have the desire to ask that particular person out. Just the thought of, "man, I need to get laid," sometimes isn't enough to get past the "nobody will ever want me" stage, which is where I think greeny is at.
  2. 81 degrees and sunny. Early to mid march is when the weather usually warms up anyway.
  3. Everything. ::spin::
  4. At least you didn't read it as "Corn beed and cabbage cum" : o
  5. What in the world is "Tops"?
  6. I'm stubborn and don't like change, but how fucking slow photobucket has gotten and with the intrusive ads that take up your whole screen and make you wait a set amount of time to get past them finally got me to switch to imgur. Never looked back. Photobucket is seriously one of the very worst "legitimate" sites on the web today.
  7. I've long since come to this conclusion too, and it is by far the saddest thing about all this. It would be one thing to make it all up and post about it here, but he actually really does it and takes screen caps and posts them here, just to troll us. Zeni really needs a hobby. I mean, other than trolling us and Ok Cupid. How desperate zeni is for attention from THIS tiny, meaningless in the grand scheme of things board that he goes to these extreme lengths makes him the most pathetic person I've ever come across, whether it be irl or on the Internet.
  8. To this day... When ever I get fed mixed vegetables with peas in them, I have to separate the peas out with my fork because I refuse to eat them. After all the peas are separated, I eat the rest normally. The peas get put down the sink when I am done. When I was very little I ate pizza upside down, so the cheese and toppings were on my tongue. I don't know if this is weird, but I eat cookies with the top on my tongue too. That side of the cookie is just more appetizing to me. I also don't know if this is weird, but when I eat meat with a knife and fork, I use the "British method" of eating as I cut. I will have the fork in my left (non-dominant) hand, pick up a piece of meat, stick it in my mouth, the fork still in my left hand and in the cutting position, and while I was chewing continue to cut, and repeat until all the meat is cut up. Then once I have all my meat cut up, I'll put the fork in my right hand and eat the "American" way. I used to suck on a lot of non-hard candies until they would dissolve in my mouth instead of chewing them. Stuff like Sweet Tarts, Hershey Kisses, M&Ms... The following I got from my dad when I was a kid: I would put Ruffles potato chips inside my tuna fish sandwiches. And inspired by that, I used to put french fries inside of my McDonald's chicken sandwiches.
  9. Instead of "DUH-dun, DUH-dun, DUH-dun," it goes "duh-DUN, duh-DUN, duh-DUN."
  10. You know what's infinitely less user friendly than imgur? Photobucket.
  11. Did they name their group after the fictional town Rocko's Modern Life takes place in? >
  12. I have always had tiny feet, hands, and head.
  13. Doom Metal Alchemist


    I can't imagine typing something really long on a phone. Don't you have a computer?
  14. Disproportionate in what way?
  15. I think part of it was I just naturally look like that, but also my glasses and zits didn't help.
  16. From the article: As a breast fetishist, this is the greatest news I've ever read. It's even more awesome that it's #1.
  17. I'm not going to post one, but I looked like a total nerd.
  18. I have a REALLY hard time getting out of bed, especially on less sleep. So if I would get like 5 hours of sleep or less, I'll probably just stay up all night rather than go to bed.
  19. Mike Tyson Mysteries. Maybe not underrated by critics, but I never see/hear anybody talk about it.
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