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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. How the fuck do you get banned for joining when you're 13?
  2. What was her SN?
  3. My leftist self wears my Pentagram shirts with pride.
  4. Does this change even have a point?
  5. @OwlChemist81 what's confusing you, lol. Both yesterday morning and this morning, no Futurama, unfortunately.
  6. As long as you don't drop it in the toilet.
  7. George W. Bush: Dodgeball all-star.
  8. But we're still wearing pants at other times of day, right?
  9. *sings* Can't you see it's clear to me, this song is not a ballad?
  10. Did you get modded on the whole boards and I didn't get the memo???
  11. So for the sake of argument let's say that it really is Western imperialism, and not Russian imperialism.... Why do you seem so down-right giddy that Ukranians are losing their lives? Is the Ukraine also an imperialist nation ruining the globe and deserve to be burned to the ground?
  12. For those of us bemoaning the current dearth of Futurama on AS and CC, I just noticed this morning that CC is showing Futurama from 6:00 am - 8:00 am this morning (Yes, 6:00, they removed an hour of infomercials!). I haven't checked if this is like a weekend schedule or an everyday schedule, or if it's just a thing they're only doing for today. I hope it becomes an every day thing.
  13. I swear to fucking god, if they just add yet another hour of King of the Hill.... Another hour of American Dad would be just as bad. As would another half hour of each. Please dear god use it to air Futurama at a decent hour....
  14. Happy birthday, tiny hand twin!
  15. More like Pat’s glutes, amirite?
  16. I thought Tosh.0 was canceled? At least I watch Comedy Central very regularly and I haven't seen it on there in years.
  17. I could've sworn they killed flash. But then again I also could've sworn they killed Java, but apparently they didn't.
  18. It pisses me off when it's just 4:00 - 5:00, but for me 5:00 - 6:00 is great because that's when I get home from work, get a snack, and turn on the TV (I work the night shift). Comedy Central used to show it at like 7:00 am - 9:00 am, and that was great for me too because I would just put it on and fall asleep to it. It hasn't been in their line up in forever. They recently put it on a little bit for some holiday/date/event/whatever (I don't remember what), so they do still have it, but they choose not to show it at all. Both channels have the rights to it, and both channels are squandering it.
  19. Right now Saturday and Sunday nights, they have Futurama at 4:00 am - 6:00 am. If they lose Bob's Burgers any time soon, they can do those Futurama time slots for the weekdays too.
  20. Instead of a suicide vest, it's suicide panties.
  21. But no one else did.
  22. Have they tried checking the black hole where they send everyone's resumes without looking at them?
  23. I'm not sure if I've seen any bare ass on American Dad.
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