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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I'm pretty sure it's not against the law to bring outside food or drink into a bar, restaurant, etc. Like, anywhere.
  2. I like to think I'm usually more humble than that, but I'm really proud of my music, and you really tee'd that one up. 😆
  3. I actually was not at all talking about "you can't chew tobacco in here due to legal regulations." I was talking about "You can't bring outside food and drink in here because we want you to buy all of your food and drink from us when you are in our building."
  4. You mean me saying "mine" or that tidbit about Sabbath? Or both?
  5. Mine. 😉 Also Sabbath weren't druggies beyond pot until the making of Vol 4.
  6. Because I don't think people should use drugs and I don't want to give strangers my own money just so they can do something I don't approve of in the first place?
  7. Guess I'm not up on my Inuyasha lore.
  8. Well excuse me for thinking you were posting on topic. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't think any restaurant of any kind, would allow any outside drink container, even an empty one (except of spit), even at the most red-neck of red-neck hillbilly regions. EDIT: Oh you said they can do that, like you know for a fact they can... well regional differences I guess. You sure as fuck can't do that anywhere in this state.
  9. Do you sleep with your beanie on? Because you look like you just woke up.
  10. Who in god's name other than myself has a bottle of Mountain Dew at a goddamn bar? 😝
  11. Assuming Rin was of age at the time of the beginning of the sexual relationship, that sounds more incestual than pedophilic. If the drive was pedophilia, would he even still be interested in her when she was of age? Pooh brought up that its even worse because it's bestiality, but really Sesshy literally didn't do anything his own father didn't do..... Demon having sex with a human creating half demon/half human Inuyasha. If it's good enough for his dad, then it's good enough for him, right? Without scrolling up, someone but I can't remember who was kinda overstating the grossness between Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship.... If I remember / understand correctly when they first encountered each other Kagome was 15 and Inuyasha was 18.... sure in our society that sexual relationship lands Inuyasha in prison but it's still like a high school senior dating a freshman / sophomore at the same high school.
  12. Do you mean you use it as a condiment on sandwiches and such? Because that's perfectly fine. But if you mean like you just get a spoonful (or worse yet, dip your fingers in the jar) and just eat it like that....
  13. I've never had indoor pets but from what I've read, that is normal, same with dogs. Maybe you should give it a taste of its own medicine and anytime you see it go to the litterbox, just sit right next to it and stare at it. "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT, HUH?????"
  14. Maybe a couple months ago I went to Little Caezer's and a woman standing outside the door asked me if she could have $2.00 to buy crazy bread (I have no fucking idea the cost of crazy bread as I don't care for it, but she specificed $2.00 and specified that it would be for crazy bread). My junkie detector went off the charts, but I decided not to tell her I didn't have it, since i was just about to go in there and get a pizza, so I just said, "no" in the most casual and friendly way I could muster, and literally nothing else, and went in. After I got my pizza, I went back to my car right outside the door waiting for my friend to get back from the 99 cent store in the same shopping center with the soda. The woman was still standing out there and I kinda felt bad, maybe she really is just hungry, maybe there's a kid at home she's desperately trying to feed... My mind went back to when my dad told me a long time ago he would always come across this homeless guy outside a McDonald's that would ask for money, and my dad would every time just buy him a burger instead, and the man was always grateful. So I considered going back and buying this woman some crazy bread and giving it to her instead of giving her the money, also instead of just ignoring her plight.... but I still knew there was a pretty good chance she was just a junkie and if I got her some crazy bread, got back in my car (not leaving because I'm still waiting for my friend) and if she remained there holding the bread still asking strangers for money I would be VERY pissed.... Because I've been suckered like that before.... so I just continued to do nothing.
  15. When you routinely fall asleep to AS, Too Many Cooks is the most horrid thing to come on when trying to sleep but still awake.
  16. Anyone remember furniture porn? It seemed pretty popular for awhile, though I never saw the appeal.
  17. I had an epiphany some time ago about this show. The show's inexplicable popularity and why you were on the edge of your seat.... The hella dramatic background music. No other game show I ever saw tried that with such dramatic background music to drum up a false sense of drama and intensity.
  18. Congrats!
  19. Big. That's it, just Big.
  20. I believe we call them "chickie nuggies" now.
  21. Oh dear god Popeye singing throughout a whole movie?
  22. This thread is like way beyond the meanness he and others usually get around here.
  23. I have not.
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