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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Even after he linked to it I still didn't recognize it or know what it means.
  2. Is that you? I'm trying and failing to read what it says.... wondering if its sports related or college related.
  3. Ok good, I thought maybe Armageddon was happening.
  4. The Scotch Mist episode was downright epic.
  5. Are you still in California?????
  6. Holy shit, how did I not notice that about Morty? At least 4 that's been on Adult Swim.
  7. Mighty Boosh was ok, Garth Merenghi's Dark Place was awesome, the rest of the British shows were terrible.
  8. The weeds will keep growing and growing though.... If your yard's gonna look like shit, may as well be a kind of shit that doesn't need maintaining.
  9. But it doesn't need mowing! 😁
  10. .....I'm not convinced I want to see a Superbad with adult characters that aren't cops.
  11. Even better still. She can go scorched earth and then do what I said and just put fake turf down. 🤪
  12. I'm pretty sure the reason I joined ASMB was to request they bring Reign: The Conquerer (yeah, you read that right) and Lupin III back to the line up.
  13. Even better, the miniature gets to pull weeds.
  14. Same. As well as a bevy of other sexual / sensual pleasures that one usually experiences by ages 10 - 15. I've never been fired. I've been "let go" when I was working at a start up business that was not getting off the ground, other than that all of my other former jobs I've quit from. Don't think I've ever won first place in any contest. I have placed though! Never hit a home run. Honestly probably literally the only times I've ever reached base (rare occasions which they were) was on grounders that somehow found holes in the infield. Similarly I've never caught a fly ball. Never palmed a basketball. I have baby hands. Never done any recreational drugs (other than alcohol). Never smoked a cigarette either. Never played any kind of MMORPG (are those still popular?) Never experienced Pokemon in any capacity other than it being on my TV when I woke up from having fallen asleep while watching AS. Oh, I guess also Pikachu's and Jigglypuff's involvement in Super Smash Bros., if that counts... Never broken a bone. Never had a tooth pulled. I don't THINK i've had stitches... Never been to another country, but I'm guessing that's common. Even though I have a bachelor's degree, I never experienced spring break beyond just not going to class for the designated week. Even though I've skied plenty, I've never snowboarded. Similarly I've never skateboarded, because any time I attempted I would fall off in 0.00000000000005 seconds. I have ice skated a couple times though. Never played ice hockey. I've played hockey on roller blades and on foot, but never on ice, despite having ice skated a couple times. Never dove into a body of water. I've swam and cannonballed into bodies of water countless times, but I just could never manage the dive. I have some kind of mental block about not wanting to let my feet go above my head for some reason. Never owned a pet. My brother briefly owned a couple rabbits that I had nothing to do with, and my parents currently have an outdoor cat that I have nothing to do with (she's such a sweety though, I wish she was an indoor cat).
  15. If I get my way I'm just gonna have whatever that shit is that's used in domed football/baseball stadiums.
  16. This is a stupid topic i've been wanting to post for some time but didn't because it's stupid, but fuck it. (lol butt fuck it) On Adult Swim alone, I can name three male characters that wear yellow shirts as part of their everyday attire: Gene Belcher, Steve Smith (yellow undershirt and red overshirt) and Cleveland Brown (as seen on The Cleveland Show, I don't think he wears yellow shirts on Family Guy). Can you guys name any other male cartoon characters that wear yellow shirts as part of their every day attire? Now I want you to think back to how many males you've seen wear a yellow shirt irl. If you identify as a male, include yourself. Is your number greater than 0? I'm betting it isn't. It if is, I'm betting it's 1. Why is this common to cartoons when it almost literally never happens irl? Oh, also sports team gear doesn't count. People wear Green Bay Packers and Oakland A's gear because, "Fuck yeah, Packers!" and "Fuck yeah, A's!" not "Fuck yeah, yellow!" I mean I'm not wild about the red and white color scheme, but if someone gifted me a Joe Montana jersey I'd wear the fuck outta that.
  17. Ah, I gotcha. I guess the best way for someone to have this wish granted is to sign a DNR.
  18. I don't understand what you mean. And you cut off the rest of that sentence why?
  19. ????? It sounds more like the hardest decision one will ever have to make in their entire lifetimes, but ok....
  20. You couldn't be more wrong if you said Trump was the greatest president in US history, Elvis is living on the moon with Aliens and the black Michael Jackson, cartridge gaming will live on forever, VHS tapes will continue to increase in price into the new millennium and beyond, Germany won WWII, AND the Earth is flat.
  21. I'm the super secret Super Mario Bros. glitch level.
  22. In the second pic I see one dark brown eye and one light brown eye. Although on closer inspection it could just be the shadow her hair is making.
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