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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I only know about it because Coal Chamber teamed up with Ozzy Osbourne to do a cover of it.
  2. Is that in reference to his post count being 4 (at the time I'm writing this)?
  3. Yeah, modern psychology has definitely understood that Freud was full of shit. I was taught a little bit of Freud but more for historical purposes on how the field of psychology developed. My teachers never shied away from saying just about everything he thought has been more or less "debunked." Two things that modern psychology believes he was right about was that 1) dreams are the subconscious mind's way of working through one's issues through symbolism, but it's taught that Freud's interpretations of dream symbolism were dead wrong, and 2) "talk therapy" (I.E. the trope of the patient on the couch telling the psychologist / psychiatrist their problems, like you often see on TV) is a big help in therapy.
  4. @katt_goddess uses it sometimes.
  5. Sounds like it was almost (if not completely) a good thing your accountant up and left if they screwed up so much shit.
  6. Shades on, buck in the rut.
  7. Two questions: How are you going to press the button when you're dead? How do you pronounce CnoPno?
  8. Hey, they had no way of knowing he was going to do that.
  9. Is this what's called "mean mugging"?
  10. I put Scorpions in my ears all the time, hyuck hyuck hyuck.
  11. Can you edit out the content of the posts you've created? If not, the mods can definitely do that for you, and they can delete your posts. Report each post you want deleted and in the notes state you want the post deleted. EDIT: I guess the proper term is "move off-board" rather than delete.... I think the mods will still be able to see them, but no one else will.
  12. So the answer is no, you have other fetish videos to watch.
  13. Nope. I work that night, and I ain't getting up early enough to watch. Also I don't want to when I get home from work that morning either. I do like the movie though.
  14. I have my yahoo account still for similar reasons for why my parents still have a landline phone: Because I don't want to change the email associated with all my various accounts across the web.
  15. If our account is a yahoo one but we use it every day, we're fine, right?
  16. You mean a fleshlight? Or do you seriously mean flashlight? 😂
  17. What happened to ghostrek getting to pick?
  18. You can go to your account settings and see which email account you have linked your UEMB account to. If it's one you recognize as being a valid email of yours, you should be ok.
  19. Good lord is ghostrek actually going to beat me on losing his virginity?
  20. Is that Jeff Daniels? 🤪
  21. What I was trying to imply (and apparently failed) was that no where near enough people in this state chew tobacco where literally any establishment that sells food and or drink would allow someone to bring in their own open beverage bottle, even just for spitting in.
  22. Meh. It was on topic to the meme I quoted. I think its interesting to discuss how humorous memes relate to us in the real world. And I will, in the words of Cathedral, "doom on" as much as I please.
  23. This is actually the opposite.... instead of it's ok to be attracted to this child because she's actually 200 years old, it's more like it's ok to be attracted to this 15 year old because I have the appearance of a 15 year old. To your example, would it be pedophilia for a 65 year old woman to want to be with Inuyasha? "It's ok, he only LOOKS like a teenager, in reality he's 65." So basically it's a no win situation for Inuyasha? He's literally either too old for people or too young for people never an ok age for literally anybody?
  24. Is there even such a thing as an average Mike Tyson mystery? That show was / is pretty out there.
  25. Just to clarify incase someone doesn't care to click the link and read, helps means Inuyasha was under Kikyo's spell for 50 years unaged.
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