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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. A female IBer told me women like veiny arms because they remind them of veiny penies.
  2. ITT: Distorted likes circle jerking.
  3. I demand you make a made-for-TV movie about me starring Tony Danza and Valerie Burt'n'Ernie. That was always one of my favorite Family Guy gags.
  4. I don't do blankets. I live with an elderly woman (my mom.... is 64 elderly?) so you could imagine the temp of the house is not left too cold.
  5. Honestly Nabs was last because he was an afterthought.
  6. I know this is speaking the long since obvious, but after yesterday, this is the exclamation point on the whole thing. There is NO denying it now. Only the most braindead, brainwashed, racist people will still NOT believe Trump was the worst president in U.S. history. There is no contest. "You really think Hillary would have done any better?" Not only would Hillary have done better... GWB would have done better.... Ozzy fucking Osbourne would have done better.... Air Bud would have done better.... a pet rock would have done better.... Nabs would have done better. I have no doubts I will not see a worse U.S. president in my lifetime.... but will this country EVENTUALLY get someone even worse, by the time climate change destroys our civilization? On the one hand, it happened once, it can happen again.... On the other hand, Germany has done a bang-up job of not letting another Hitler rise to power. Back to the first hand, Hitler's rise to power wasn't even 100 years ago, and we probably got well beyond 100 years before our civilization is done for. So, we'll see.
  7. If you get curious, Follow the Reaper is the album to start with. IMO they never made an album anywhere near as good before or since.
  8. It's early January, and at 4:30 AM after every work shift (as well as before every work shift at like 5:20 PM) I am wearing shorts in the parking lot between the building and my car. It's worth being a little cold for a few minutes so I don't have to be roasting for my 10 hour shift.
  9. Honestly, I think Eric Andre has finally gotten his shit together this season, it's actually getting genuine laughs from me.
  10. Happy belated birthday! I don't know who this character is, the aim here was for a furry cake.
  11. Is that like the board equivalent of being a wizard?
  12. Judging by the thumbnail... this does not look like good fap material....
  13. Happy birthday! 🎂
  14. Happy birthday! 🎂
  15. Happy birthday! 🎂
  16. I about shat myself when I heard Mississippi Queen on Regular Show. RIP
  17. I think you're misunderstanding.... I'm a night owl but I ain't fucking going anywhere for anything at 5:00 AM. Even if I don't plan on sleeping yet.
  18. That's how Peter Griffin looks when he falls down.
  19. If you mean RIGHT NOW right now, it is 5:00 in the morning....
  20. Not me. I said he should be "metal weeb."
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