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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. @jackiemarie90 based on some of your college related posts here, I think you need to see this:
  2. You ever have to change your password literally every single time you try to log in to a particular site/app because you use it so infrequently you never remember the password, and this stupid bullshit requirement exists? The struggle is real.
  3. That doesn't sound very secluded, unless you did your own tattoo.
  4. I got to take two months off work (not let go or furloughed or anything) because I was experiencing what turned out to be allergies that would not fucking go away for that duration, and work at the time was telling us if we feel sick (any kind of sick, I thought i had a really long cold) don't come in. Now it's been changed to don't come in if you're experiencing specifically covid symptoms and you don't know those symptoms are caused by something else. Although I'm pretty sure a fever, regardless of the cause, is still an automatic don't come to work situation. Got a lot of guitar playing / writing / recording done during that time.
  5. What browser do you use? I use chrome.
  6. It doesn't do that for me. Though I almost exclusively use a computer, almost never a phone. Does this problem happen to you with both devices?
  7. This pic doesn't really work, as it implies I'm in need of rescuing from nerds, when I'm pretty sure your intent was that I'm the giant nerd that needs to be busted.
  8. The guy in the commercial is getting ready to paint a room in his home. He holds up a bucket of paint labeled "Wallmaster." I'm like, Wallmaster, you say?
  9. Personally, I liked the guy who got done pissing then just moseyed on past the brawl.
  10. Is this a question to 90% of our userbase?
  11. The ever loving shit INTO one, amirite????
  12. Cancer of the what? Can robots even get cancer? What is robot cancer? Is robot cancer basically rust?
  13. More importantly, I can name his song.
  14. Wouldn't it be a snangel? Snagel sounds like a snow bagel.
  15. Since it was a cat name, Furry Monster. Or Furry Meower.
  16. It's "ruffer" (lol) to get to the spacebar, but you can do it without thumbs.
  17. Should've used an image when he's being electrocuted in Earnest Goes to Jail.
  18. Hey, banana bread rules. Don't know if it would work as part of a sandwich, but banana bread by itself is great.
  19. A. That's not every day attire. B. The color matches the landscape of what we think of when we think of Egypt.
  20. I know the joke is really played out by this point, but maybe a for-men themed Panera Bread named Pantera Bread would be a really good idea.
  21. Thank you, I'll have to read up on this.
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