On any given day, I risk getting run over by some idiot who thinks they don't have to pay attention when they are behind the wheel. It doesn't matter if they are texting, screwing with the radio, slobbering on themselves because they either just left or are headed to a place to eat. Red lights don't apply to them, their blinkers are 100% out of blinker fluid, crosswalks and sidewalks = parking lots, and the idea that there's someone right there in the crosswalk as they come barreling through seems to amaze them every time. Over the past few weeks, several people and cyclists in the area have been hit by cars driven by total assholes, most of which took off and claimed ignorance when they hunted down. Once school starts back up, it'll be even worse. So yes, idiots who can't pay attention to their driving when they are the driver because they need to fondle their e-genitals piss me off. Take the bus if you can't drop the toys - at least that way you won't kill anyone while you 'like' someone's 'lol' retweet.