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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. You say that like I ever took down the decorations. > The only thing that changes is I put the candelabras in the window.
  2. I keep actual filed taxes forever but general receipts tend to get tossed and actual invoice type stuff usually shredded within a year of payments being completed unless there's a real reason for keeping things longer. If it's not something that can be used for tax or billing purposes, it likely isn't needed.
  3. Congrats on becoming one with the rat race. And it probably won't be that long. Most orientations are a mix of filling out paperwork for taxes and stuff like that and watching stupid videos about how not to kill yourself while lifting things with a lunch break somewhere in the middle. Depending on how long it takes you to do the paperwork and how long or how many videos you have to watch, time will just fly.
  4. McFish from a drive-through. Ain't got time to cook.
  5. katt_goddess


    The door mouse is a troll and lives in a tea pot. Don't take food advice from a rodent that lives to dutch-oven himself in a tea pot.
  6. Even better. It looks like one of those plastic ride-in toys that if you went down a hill in it, you were probably blown there. >
  7. Forget that. The main question is whose going to help him raise it? Rogue might be the origin of the Gearheads from 'Rick & Morty' . 1..2..3..NOT IT
  8. I don't mean you have cancer. I'm not WebMD. We all know it's lupus. But the chemical reaction on the paper that means a female is pregnant appears to also react to cancer tells when a dude pees on it. One day, that might be a thing that doctors require dudes to actually do if they've been feeling lethargic and out of sorts as a quick and easy enough test to rule out something like very early dude cancers. As for the actual topic-topic, try taking a multivitamin daily for a few days again or at least one for iron. You could be lacking something in your diet or have been doing something that depleted things faster than usual [heat and humidity can do more than just dehydrate] . If nothing else, it's a cheap experiment.
  9. Slight tangent, maybe he really should. It's been found that when a dude pees on one of those things and it comes back as pregnant, it's a early indicator of cancer. What was once a joke done at frat parties now has an actual purpose.
  10. Is that a 'Tonka Tot' sticker on the side? Holy crap. >
  11. Do you take any sorts of daily vitamins? Maybe you need to. Could need a slight iron increase in the short term.
  12. katt_goddess


    Stops smoking weeds then. Use weed killer like the rest of us.
  13. Hoping his mom takes his toys away and makes him sit in a corner.
  14. katt_goddess


    Are you suffering from internal issues like ulcers or tumors? Or just going through a general 'meh, food' period? When I can't eat, I at least try to keep down some yogurt.
  15. Don't even pretend to play the 'cracks knuckle' game with me. But feel free to go lick an electric fence.
  16. katt_goddess


    Watermelon or honeydew or cantaloupe?
  17. Can't wait for your PS-nothing to mysteriously disappear. Maybe you'll get it back. Or maybe you'll just continue to sit on your ass growing mold.
  18. > > > > zeni wishes he was that strong.
  19. Yeah, I laughed too hard at that one.
  20. I have one grandma left. As of sometime last week, the last of Asshole's direct side of the family tree withered and died.
  21. On any given day, I risk getting run over by some idiot who thinks they don't have to pay attention when they are behind the wheel. It doesn't matter if they are texting, screwing with the radio, slobbering on themselves because they either just left or are headed to a place to eat. Red lights don't apply to them, their blinkers are 100% out of blinker fluid, crosswalks and sidewalks = parking lots, and the idea that there's someone right there in the crosswalk as they come barreling through seems to amaze them every time. Over the past few weeks, several people and cyclists in the area have been hit by cars driven by total assholes, most of which took off and claimed ignorance when they hunted down. Once school starts back up, it'll be even worse. So yes, idiots who can't pay attention to their driving when they are the driver because they need to fondle their e-genitals piss me off. Take the bus if you can't drop the toys - at least that way you won't kill anyone while you 'like' someone's 'lol' retweet.
  22. She's one of the two main ones at the booth actually. Still supplying quality swag to the Venture fan community.
  23. Not on the face all that much. Then again, it is the internet. I could be Phantom of the Opera level fugly too. Dun Dun DUNNN!
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