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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I'd post a truncated scan of the actual bill but you'd still claim it was mocked up. Not worth my energy. You suck at bills. Time to get out the candles and pretend to be a pioneer.
  2. Nope. It was $29.89. Previous month was $27.95. The statement was still by the computer. I have lights, tv and computer on constantly and fans running all the time and still don't hit whatever you hit. $300 for just a month of electricity is frightening. You supplying the whole neighborhood or what?
  3. You've just taught land tortoises how to swim and gave a kitten away to a Chinese restaurant?
  4. What the hell? Mine was something like $29 last month. It hits maybe $45 in the winter because of the need for extra heating and lights. whut
  5. Turtles don't have 'mouths' per se, they have 'beaks' . They'll chomp through anything if they want to and the bigger the turtle, the stronger their beak.
  6. For once, she didn't feed an animal poison. Turtles eat worms, slugs, snails, basically anything they can get in their normal habitat. Live food can be a bit messy though so most people stick with the pre-packaged stuff.
  7. No one cares. Not even your nana.
  8. Hell yeah, Princess Peach is the one to be. The only one more worthless than Luigi is Toad. I don't care if he can lift heavy things, he handles like a drunken sumo with a peg leg.
  9. Says the 'tard with a turd in his name whose greatest aspiration is to one day get off the couch long enough for the ass dent in it to dry out.
  10. The white one has shade. Shade is good.
  11. I saw that airing the other day when I got up to get ready for work and it took me a moment to realize that it wasn't a Teen Titan Go! episode where they were playing at being mature. Honestly, this is a good move on CN's part since they have any number of shows in their library that have just been sitting there while they overplay the same crap in daily marathons.
  12. Why would I dream of that? Isn't that what you named your right hand? Blech. :barf:
  13. I hated playing Luigi in anything. His spaz legs piss me off.
  14. They also eat earthworms and snails. But, big warning, eating slugs might cause even dirtier tank water. I don't know if it's just because slugs have extra mucus or if they are just a little on the rich side for turtles though.
  15. It really depends on what's going on but it's either the living room or the bedroom. The living room is where my little computer office area is and where the comfy recliner and big screen are. The bedroom is where the comfy bed with tons of pillows and the DVD player are. So if I have a lot of computer crap to do or just feel like reading, it's all about living room. If I want to watch movies, play Gamecube, or need to read while being propped up with tons of comfy pillows, it's all about the bedroom.
  16. The reupholstering probably included checking and refirming anything that was starting to get even remotely loose. I know I would tighten everything up if I was taking something apart anyway.
  17. That's what I thought from just the pic. Cheap but functional and if you already know what to double-check, you should be all good.
  18. I feel the overwhelming need to point out the first time I read the title, I accidentally left out the word 'donut' and came to an entirely different conclusion. >
  19. Well, as far as upholstered type things like that couch go. I inherited my recliner from a previous roommate. It's a cheap thing but it's lasted about 23 years and the arms are starting to sag out now. It's not a couch though which might see harder use just because more than one person can sit on it at a time.
  20. I think I already have two of those and a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Such a nerd.
  21. Dang, too big. I'm more 'love seat' sized in my apartment which is still big enough for me to nap on. I'm guessing that before you slam your butt and / or random large dolls on it, double check things to make sure everything is nailed down properly just because of the cheap factor. I could see the arms coming loose in the future but that happens to anything given enough time and that's probably where the bad reviews came from. It's not bad for the price though so you aren't going wrong.
  22. Don't know about the Alpine but there are some who had pheasant feathers sticking out of their backsides. I don't think they can sit down very well.
  23. Supposedly it is now being brought back.
  24. Rat tails, mullets, completely q-ball'd. Apparently cat ears go with everything.
  25. Is that a 6 foot length? Or shorter / longer? Too lazy to look it up. But it looks comfy. I'm hoping to get a new couch sometime next year.
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