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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. It's all about the video application now. Recording of you dancing around with a pillow while Rick Astley plays = employee material!
  2. This thread is better than the time I made a thread about being made a Mod. On April first. And the thread I made about getting engaged. On April first. I have a tiny piece of flesh missing from the side of my nose that no one would notice except me because I'm the one that had to cut it off. Most of my general facial scars picked up over the years heal up really quickly and don't tend to leave any signs. The jaw surgeries and cheek replastering were done from the inside of my mouth which left no noticeable scars but an almost chronic case of chipmunk cheek. I've just never liked having my pic taken and when I do, I usually find a means to hide most of myself. I think this thread is regarding the pic I decided to toss up in that floated thread of pics showing off the latest idiotic attempt to dye the troll nest on my head but with a mask on.
  3. Unfortunately, confirmed. I was doing a test run on the officer outfit [google 'Officer Anita Bribe' ] to make sure my boobage wouldn't escape or my butt hang out while at the Con and nothing is more horrifying [to others] than randomly camming while testing things out just for the reactions. Dude had a hair trigger screen grab finger that night and just managed to catch me in that two second of camera. He did delete it though so it's all good. The dethklok outfit pic was my losing a bet with rampager about something. I got even with him later by showing a close-up of the pin holding my jaw together - I think he had to leave the room to go puke so points for me. [adult swim] streams has a pic somewhere of me as Catwoman torturing sushi. That's going to come back to haunt me some day.
  4. What your waifu really looks like under that new cover
  5. You don't even have to say what the light is about to anyone other than maybe your manager if there's issues with trading out company properties [the lightbulb] with personal properties. Otherwise, you can just say that the current lighting hurts your eyes so you've moved to using a softer wattage.
  6. They had Cleopatra for that.
  7. I totally want to make that into a poster with the caption 'DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRO?' >
  8. Sleeping in, fancy coffee and Subway run before it gets too hot, painting, napping, Toonami.
  9. katt_goddess


    You say that like it's a deal breaker or something.
  10. katt_goddess


    I think this is an actual bookstore somewhere in Europe and I wouldn't mind living in it. I totally want solid wood bookshelves mounted to the walls around here similar to that.
  11. katt_goddess


    This or any variation of this And also, that freezer full of generic ices.
  12. katt_goddess


    These are all mine now. Go away.
  13. I'd be much further along and much happier with what's been done in the book. The prosthetics would be closer to completion [still waiting on the plaster molds]. I'd actually be all caught up with the entertainment slush pile that is self-replicating at this point.
  14. I knew what it was. I just knew it. I still clicked. WTF is my damage?
  15. North Korea's goal is to nuke Kansas because Fearless Leader was trolled one too many times by repeats of 'Blowing in the Wind' .
  16. Something I wear almost every single day - a black leather hat with silver accents that I've had since 1995. Think Indiana Jones. Something that I have and could still wear because it still fits - my high school lettermans jacket. Something I have and couldn't wear if I wanted to - a pink sweatshirt with an owl on it that I got as a Christmas present from the bus drivers when I was in kindergarten. It was the nicest thing I owned back then and I still have it because it's going to be turned into a throw pillow.
  17. Hey now. Fancy ice cubes make everything better! *drops a couple shaped like Iron Man's head in a glass :D
  18. I'm not the one bragging on a forum about finally making friends. I'm the one doing the 30 day countdown to a getaway weekend to hang with friends. *sips iced tea
  19. I don't know. Have they decided where they are going to wall him up yet? I voted for the sinkhole in Mar-La-Go.
  20. By sipping something both yummy and decadent out of something other than a rinsed out plastic cup from McDonalds?
  21. Very occasionally and often it's more to use up something I have rather than a daily thing. I don't use a lot of scent as a rule because I know a little goes a long way even after I stop noticing it so I probably use less than even the 'minimum' . And it's more often either oils because it's easier to control the amount or I have a few pheromone types floating around that I usually use on wigs. The pheromones don't harm the wigs so it's better than perfume.
  22. Ugh, at least they are all gone so you won't have to go back for a round two on the other side. whut Frozen veggie bags for the cheeks as already suggested, careful hydration to keep things from drying out, and naps are always good.
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