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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I said 'had' . Coonie was raised by a combo of hand and foster kitties after being found abandoned and starving. She was never caged or mistreated in any way, stayed indoors and outdoors as she wished and when she reached full maturity, she was free to return to the wilds and did so on her own terms with the full ability to hunt on her own. I know how to deal with wild animals and I know the legal issues as well as the health and wellness issues. She wasn't a status 'pet' , she was an unexpected foster who grew up to be a great buddy and an apparently solid contributor to the area's dwindling lion population.
  2. Cha-cha-cha
  3. I had a pet cougar named Coonie. And I never used a leash or harness on her ever. You own a stuffed animal full of sawdust that sells for $5 at WalMart.
  4. -.-; You never ask about bonuses or raises with co-workers. If you get info of that nature, you keep it to yourself until such a time as it's released by the higher ups because if it's only specific to certain people and you blab, you could lose out.
  5. No, he doesn't. He's being held back and down by the harness. Otherwise he'd be gone and / or have turned on that dude. The tail is tucked and curled and the forelegs are in the pull position. Like everything else related to pussies, you completely fail.
  6. First of all, no, they aren't going to air something that appeals to you because there are laws against pedophile hentai on basic cable. Download that garbage on your own and get caught on a spider list. Secondly, not that any of this will register with you, some times things are part of package deals. There is x in the budget and that budget can actually get stretched to afford more things if a certain amount of a company's library is purchased for airing at a time. It also builds a working relationship with said companies which means more deals and future first choices. It's not a matter of going to the store and picking up a DVD. You want that, you go do that. Meanwhile, they are going to try getting what they can and pushing for things that they couldn't have before. Deal with it. And finally, they aren't going to listen to some diaper baby whose main complaint tends to be they don't like something because they already saw it. Boo hoo. There's one at every public event and panel discussion and even the other trolls are getting bored with it. Enough attention?
  7. That savannah mix kitten really hates that guy. Someone is going to lose either a mullet or a mustache later.
  8. They've been stacked for me since they were entered. It might just be the way they were entered. I did notice some of the more refined smilies are gone but most of them were just repeats of the first ones.
  9. He said hotties. So more likely 5 footlong gas station wieners.
  10. Well hell, there's too many Narakus. I think it's the other one I have to worry about. I have only one kitty. She thinks she's a raccoon. She'll mug you for an Arby's sammich.
  11. You can see where the sunlight hits me. *itches
  12. You're so full of it, it's finally overflowed into your very screenname. Deal with it, skid.
  13. You'd ask if they were real, I'd break your face, and you'd come back here where literally everyone would just face palm and laugh.
  14. Absolute truth. -.-; I haz burn marks on my hands where the gloves didn't cover nao. They itch. I'm ready for a little snow.
  15. If that were the case, you'd have that hot tub and your own place instead of living with your mom. Because the only way you could have been making more than me all those years and still be broke would be if you just shoved the paychecks directly up your butt and set it on fire.
  16. A very small stuffed cat named Siamese that I got from an aunt and uncle when I was really little. It was probably one of the first stuffed animals I ever got and one of the few things I have that didn't go up in smoke. Otherwise, a toss-up between some books from the early 1900's [not reprints but the first edition types] and some old coins.
  17. Last 6 years in management. Which is still far longer than any job you've ever held.
  18. That arm seems to being going way too far for the type of tweezer twitching zeni does.
  19. My 11th Anniversary was in March.
  20. Eventually that shit will eat him.
  21. Shut it, poophead.
  22. And I'll probably still be wearing a mask of some kind. >
  23. I prefer the term 'elusive' . It makes me feel special.
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