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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. I think the litter boxes are just out of camera range [towards the front of the 'yard' ] so they can have a little privacy. Either that or it's located in the slightly wider wall between the kitchen and the living room and it's automated so no humans are seen actually cleaning anything.
  2. Like most nights, [as] is playing in the background because most of the stuff playing has been played so many times I don't have to pay any actual attention to know exactly what's going on.
  3. Bitch Pudding might have been an Elle alt. I feel like I knew at one time but it's been so long and so many alts ago.
  4. Cheese and rice. Just claim it was a pudding prank or something to gross out a coworker.
  5. Meh, like he's going to see any of this. He's going to be a janitor at a Taco Bell. Part of the conditions of his eventual parole will include zero contact with computers or anything else that has internet connectivity. He'll be like zeni was when zeni found himself banned from both here and OKC. Except employed.
  6. Trying to decide which is safer tonight - the top bunk or the bottom.
  7. *slaps you As to the topic at hand, yes, what is posted on a forum, any forum, even a closed one behind a log-in feature, can be used in a criminal proceeding. Whatever is collected and presented to the proper channels is weighed according to what it is and then is either actioned, pending / waiting, or dismissed.
  8. For some, there is a value in the remembrance even if we didn't know the person or persons directly. The grieving is not just for the person gone but for whatever contributions they made and whatever connections the individual themselves feel, however small, to those contributions. You don't necessarily have to know the person personally, just whatever they represented to you. My examples would be Mr. Fred Rogers and Prince. I grew up watching Mr. Rogers pretty much everyday as a little kid because PBS was one of the few channels we got and even though I hadn't watched him in ages, I was still sad when he passed away because he represented the type of calming listening adult figure that I didn't have growing up except through the tv. Prince was a slim part of the 80's for me through occasional radio exposure but he was from Minnesota and, let's face it, Minnesota pretty much had him and Jesse 'the Governor' Ventura as it's biggest celebrities - now it just seems to have Jesse 'the crabby nursing home patient' Ventura.
  9. That was a video about small holes. BOOM. :poop: :post:
  11. I never really had a preference between the two although every time Jefferson showed up, I couldn't help but think of 'Revenge of the Nerds' and wait for someone to belch.
  12. No one to leave an eternal ache or anything like that but a few who are remembered for whatever reason. C. Martin Croker hurt like a bitch. Finding out that Stefan Karl Stefansson [Robbie Rotten] has stage 4 at this point was a shock and I'm kind of surprised by how sad the news made me feel. Alex Toth went the way I would like to go - with a pen in hand. Leonard Nimoy was a sad. So was Alan Rickman and Prince [although he was a shy tiny weirdo in person]. And even at my age, I still think Mr. Rogers should have lived forever. There are others and there will be more.
  13. Doc Hammer, dumb ass. He'll talk about anything he feels like whenever he feels like it. And that came up when he was talking about food. Surprise.
  14. Go back to your box, roach. Maybe you'll stick to the floor this time.
  15. Damn. Ok, it was another one that I had read about. I didn't realize that the video in here was the video from this particular incident. There was a nasty fake accident video floating around earlier this month that showed cars and people flying off a ride. I thought that was this one. Definitely my bad. There was once a time where the only thing you really had to worry about was blowing through your underpants from too much gross fair food. Now you can't even look at a ride without worrying it's going to spit people at you as you walk by.
  16. Excuses excuses excuses. I'm on medical leave this week and I just got back from doing an 8 mile loop on my bike anyway because I needed to get out and figured that was the best thing. You skip work and the first thing you want to do is hunker down in air conditioning [i thought you were bragging you had that already?] to watch a movie and probably hork a large popcorn and soda while your at it. Excuses excuses excuses.
  17. Pretty sure I saw this listed as a fake when I was looking for fair info. It's a well-made fake [terrifyingly realistic] but it was fake.
  18. I thought you were going to go to the Planet Fitness when you could get away from your parental duties?
  19. According to Doc, McDonalds French fries. -.-; I couldn't eat those for like a year after he said that.
  20. Scars can go away over time and babby surgery [unless they had to remove large chunks of the babby] usually heal up pretty dang well. Babby skin is like a self-healing rubber mat sometimes. I'm just saying that the ideal body should really have less scars than me. Or at least more interesting scars. Not something that screams 'I lost my self respect at Big Bob's House of the King Fatty Burger and all I got was this massive chest scar' .
  21. -.-; Cardio doesn't even cause sustained weight loss. You drop some and then it plateaus, leaving you feeling like you didn't do jack, get depressed and quit to regain everything you managed to drop the first time. Walk with weights. What you lose will stay gone or, in your case, will stay gone as long as you don't inhale an entire fried chicken bucket every weekend. Once a month is more than enough for that. Food poisoning also causes significant weight loss but it hurts like hell.
  22. Don't go ruining dried squid for me.
  23. Kagome_Nekid = K_N = KN Been a board known for years.
  24. Results happen over time, dingus. They don't just magically happen because you waited for a single stretch of alone time at some point in a future that will never happen because something else will come up. Going for an evening walk together every day that weather allows will add up faster than a once a week treadmill stomp at Planetfitness and is more easily achieved.
  25. Why exercise without your kid? Why not exercise with her so she grows up feeling like being active is a normal daily thing rather than some weird chore she'll have to schedule time to do later as an adult? Sounds like an excuse to me. Walking is cheap. Jogging is cheap. Dancing around to a music channel and making up your own silly exercise routines together is cheap. And your genetic make-up isn't impeccable. If it was, you wouldn't have any mental issues to deal with because mental is also part of your genetics.
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