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Everything posted by Opium

  1. Oh, I bet you sleep hard cause they be puttin stuff in ur butt
  2. You mean PS4
  3. You don't but somebody else is. How do you know what goes on with your body when you sleep? You just get to reap the rewards, baby
  4. During anal sex, the anus, sphincter, and rectum are stretched, and air may be introduced from the movements. After a penis, dildo, or something else has been removed, the air inside has to go somewhere, for your body to return to its unexpanded state. The air that no longer fits needs to be expelled — hence, farts!
  5. Any of you motherfuckers playing Mortal Kombat 11?
  6. I think the way he died was perfect. But him getting brought back is just cheap as shit. I find him to be the dullest character on the show though, so I'm admittedly biased.
  7. Exactly, and I can't say I blame them. I'm sure the decision not to tinker further was in respect for George and his eventual conclusion. But also time and budget. I don't think they wanted to do this show any longer than they had to.
  8. The show definitely went from a somewhat grounded political medieval fantasy to something more akin to an action adventure with clear-cut good and evil. It's become a pop culture machination -- one where we're expected to 'stan our queen' and blow our shit every episode with some grand revelation. The measured pacing and intricacies ended with George, who started the books with serious intention rather than what we're getting with writers handling what is essentially a big-budget blockbuster.
  9. I wish they had kept Jon Snow dead in the show instead of making him the typical God hero. The Dany affair now that his heritage has been revealed to her is interesting in that it seems to suggest she'll turn on him for power (she won't), but it would have been a lot better had the narrative gone, 'Well, we lost the chosen one, now what?' as we watch the actual human characters with flaws scramble to save the world.
  10. GoT has been pretty obvious since Season 4 when they stopped following the books. It's Fan Service 101 now, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  11. Well yes, she is certainly trying to run out of the crypts so calling it an escape route would be accurate. I highly doubt they'd throw in a scene of her being terrified and running and having that be just from battle. Arya has been too hyped up as a warrior to be undermined in that way. More likely is that they're gonna use a white walker version of Lady Stoneheart. That's my bet.
  12. Trailers have shown her running in fright from the crypts -- and also being hurt. Something is there if not anything new.
  13. Hound will die while trying to save Arya from whatever is in the crypts. Then Arya will kill The Mountain in the war with Cersei.
  14. Shove a B12 vitamin and some gauze up that forsaken maw. It won’t help but you seem crazy enough to do it.
  15. Smoke and then when it comes time for the test just pull out the Nine Inch Nail toy and hand them the squirt instead
  16. The only thing besides tats is getting my deviated septum fixed, which is something I’ll probably have to do eventually anyways. The one tat I do have I regret getting, which is unfortunate.
  17. My favorite is Shaolin Monks co-op
  18. Maybe all that energy would have propelled your spirit past the worst parts of hell
  19. Lame. I want someone to come over and wrap me up like a baby and coddle me and tell me I’ll live forever
  20. More than laying on a fat stack of cash I’ve wanted to lay on a fat stack of man
  21. When mom says it’s your turn on the Xbox
  22. Well I can start by telling you that I believe the warmth of his lap was my dream’s interpretation of the pillow of shit my butt had burrowed itself in
  23. No, it wasn’t sweat. It was very cold that night, actually, which is why I wasn’t so shy as to sit on frodo’s warm lap. It wasn’t jizz either. I shit myself — big time.
  24. I have the bed sheet stains to prove it
  25. Strip naked and run around my multi-million dollar mansion while reciting The Cantos. Then a rinse in the shower and a cup of coffee, then squeeze a silver worm or two out of my pink baton of eternal pleasure.
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