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Everything posted by Opium

  1. "Fuck that dude and everything he stands for. Fuck him in the guts." Seems a lil spazzy to me, Obi
  2. Oof you're gonna be in a real heap of trouble if you actually think kissing is emotionally manipulative
  3. Kissing isn't a contract. Unless you two made it official either by discussing it or you letting your feelings known to him, then he didn't do anything wrong. If he felt things weren't going anywhere and you guys don't have an open line of communication about it then you're up shit creek without a paddle.
  4. I'm not saying you did anything wrong. If that's how you roll then that's how you roll, but we're all on a different pace. Some guys require that physical intimacy more than they require the emotional. There are plenty of fellas out there who are willing to wait, I'm sure. Get used to failing in romance, though. That will never end even when you finally find it.
  5. Young dudes wanna fuck. She didn't put out so he moved on, that's completely normal. Not sure why you're spazzing out over it, unless I'm missing something more egregious from the narrative.
  6. They’re upset because Uncut Gems was robbed of 11 nominations.
  7. Oh so you’re actually a wuss. Now that stilgar came in to give you a little rub you crawl out and try again. I don’t give a shit if you fucks think I’m sexist. I don’t respect any of you enough to care.
  8. Oh so you can’t read either, well done. If Yen and Ciri were male I’d still say the same thing — they overstuffed the narrative in the first season. It was paced to shit. There are other females they could utilize that wouldn’t introduce such heavy backstory and three timelines at the jump without proper context. But keep on thinking my hypothetical idea is dumb as though a fantasy show about monster hunting isn’t the main idea.
  9. Yeah I agree, the show sucked. But that’s because the showrunners are hacks, not because a mutant with dual swords fucking up monsters isn’t a good idea.
  10. Kinda hard to believe that since you obviously can’t read
  11. Oh so you’re retarded
  12. get you a Y2K bitch with droopy butt and lil nippy
  13. Yeah you do love a good reach, don’t you Geralt is the character the narrative revolves around, period. It’s Geralt’s story, which is heavily impacted by Yen and Ciri but is first and foremost the story of a mutant hunting monsters and dodging the bureaucracy of humans. I’m saying him being the sole principle character within a ‘monster-of-the-week’ framework would have been a better and more cohesive introduction. That’s it. Not that Yen and Ciri should be trashed.
  14. Yen isn’t equal to Geralt. Geralt is the principal main character. The show is called The Witcher for a reason, not The Witcher and the Sorceress. But I mean you haven’t read the books or have played the games so I get not getting it, especially considering your frame of reference being a shoddy imitation.
  15. Lol sure, guy. Because people tuned in to watch The *Witcher* for Yen and Ciri. I’m not arguing business. The product could have been better and more coherent had they taken it more seriously.
  16. I'm aware they claim that as they lift the aesthetic, soundtrack, and Geralt's delivery straight from the games. The show doesn't know if it actually wants to adapt the book or the games and instead settles on some weird combination of both. Also the format of books differ than film, so yeah, Yen not being in S1 would have served as a better introduction to Geralt and the world around him. Don't give a shit about the female empowerment thing and it has nothing to do with my point. I'm fine with Yen and Ciri as characters, I'm saying they should have been withheld as we got a firmer grasp of the world and witchers.
  17. Not even talking about the timelines. The lore is so haphazardly handled that even someone who knows the games (like me) can feel for those just checking it out. They just don’t spend enough time on the world building. Yennefer and Ciri shouldn’t have been introduced till S2.
  18. This show sucks major ass. Not sure how they expected anyone who is unfamiliar with the games to follow this stupid shit with its Syfy original production and Disney princess musical numbers. Toss A Coin Out My Ass with this show
  19. Why go to the bars when you can get some tang at the litter box Or as I call it, "The Litter Lounge"
  20. https://chadfranklin47.bandcamp.com/album/wolfs-rain-unofficial-ost-3-unreleased
  21. My balls are so lathered with nut juice that your attack is just gonna slide ride off. It'll feel like a gentle caress. You might as well kiss me and wish me a Happy New Year, punk
  22. You come at me with naked hands Imma cheat on your girl with you and show you tha STRONG ARM
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