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Everything posted by Opium

  1. I made a grilled cheese sandwich and some cream of chicken soup right after midnight. Shortly after I put on the movie film "Midnight Run" while consuming.
  2. Don't leave I'm comin
  3. Finn Wolfhard needs to retire from these 80's renovations. Tired of seeing him in every retro flick.
  4. The Ozymandias stuff is the best part about it, as well as Hooded Justice stuff. The rest? Iffy. It's interesting but the budget on particular aspects ... isn't up to par. There's also the question of casting said character, which I found a little dubious for a couple of reasons.
  5. https://clmn.bandcamp.com/album/branca
  6. Next: https://clmn.bandcamp.com/album/branca
  7. I think it's fine. It doesn't give you enough opportunities to be a capitalist rogue, though. I also don't understand why they bothered with implementing a character creator when you can't even see your character beyond the inventory screen.
  8. Not if I impregnate you first, bitch
  9. Choking on lobster during a threesome with two big tittied asians
  10. I would empty your corpse and then put myself inside it, effectively making it my exoskeleton. Your body will become my flesh Gundam.
  11. Sure, hope you don't mind me twirling your chest hair with my index finger
  12. Nah It's Cane's sauce
  13. lol it's never been about the chicken -- it's about the special sauce.
  14. would you gay ass wrestle Ellen Page
  15. no its wrestling I thought asians were supposed to be smart
  16. This doesn't get you goin? Ur a drunken liar
  17. Shut up, dork
  18. Would you eat Ellen Page's ass
  19. Opium

    Sext Thread

  20. Opium

    Sext Thread

    Shut the fuck up, nerd
  21. Opium


    I dunno about that one, chief. Most of the time the porn titles aren't even accurate to the video -- most notable examples (and one that I find to be a more compelling case of being a reason to be skeeved by porn) is incest fantasy. Most of those videos don't even follow the narrative of the title. Same with videos purporting to be a Tinder hookup. Actual violence and staged violence are very clearly different, which is why I think it's unfair. An actual snuff film versus a girl getting tied up and gangbanged and still breathing and getting paid after are too different to be conflated like that.
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