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Everything posted by Opium

  1. Opium

    Finished ffx

    Please. Listen to my story. It's about That_One_Cuck
  2. The Sherry and Ada segments were trash imo. Both were so heavy handed in design in a way that made them annoying to play.
  3. Seemore Cox, he fucks us all one by one while the pendulum swings
  4. Seymour has blue hairs on his balls and that's a fact, son.
  6. Show your hippo tits or I'm not subscribing.
  7. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    If they're wanting to target a different, younger demographic then they should have done it with the next game and not with the supposed end of a trilogy which had before included FF characters. This one should have been for the fans who had stuck with this goofy shit even after puberty. Your reason is still valid and even probable but that doesn't make it a good reason.
  8. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Nah, that argument doesn’t hold considering the FFVII remake and how well the HD remasters sell. The old FF is integral to Square’s dwindling brand.
  9. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Buddy, who gives a shit if they’re in the lore? They’re not in the *game*. And it doesn’t draw my nuts. I’m still playing the game, but I can acknowledge it’s missing something. So suck me, Breast Milk.
  10. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    No, I said it was a decently fun enough game on its own. I think it does need FF to keep the narrative interesting because KH has always been, at its heart (lol), a fan service game whether it be FF or Disney. Also lol at Auron “making an appearance.” A five second glimpse at a statue of him with a namedrop by the narrator in a gloss over is hardly an appearance.
  11. You won’t find any ammo for her handgun on 2nd run. You can only craft them using gunpowder. In my game I relied on the Quickdraw Army for the first section. Once you get the machine gun and flame rounds things get a little easier, but that first bit is rough with Tyrant.
  12. They drop all the ridiculous convoluted shit and go back to the simple narrative of a party and a crystal, but twist it halfway into a pretty dark story of genocide and purpose. ViVi’s storyline is particularly brutal. And Zidane isn’t an annoying emo protagonist. But besides that, the art direction is like if Aesop’s Fables fucked an anime
  13. 9 is the best FF.
  14. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Yeah, I'm assuming they thought Disney's properties were big enough now to stand on their own with the various shitty KH-spinoff characters.
  15. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    I won't lie and say that it isn't, but it is a fun disaster so far. Probably not worth the full price, though.
  16. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    It's nonsensical, but I'm sure anyone who has played the series knows what to expect in terms of narrative and dialogue (which is now even worse, given that Sora can't hide the fact that a 30-something year old man is playing him), but the gameplay is enjoyable enough to hold attention. Sometimes I get the feeling they cut corners on cutscenes; there are some strange cuts here and there that feel out of place. Phil from Hercules, who is usually played by Danny DeVito and is loud, is made a mute because his Japanese VA died, which is an unfortunate way of commemoration if you ask me. The graphics, especially in terms of the environments, are really good. The greens and blues really pop. But the biggest disappointment for me is the complete lack of Final Fantasy characters. They actually cut all of them out of the game, it seems, which a big fuckin whoops in my book.
  17. Opium

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Anyone playing? I just bought it. Didn't think I would but, eh, I played the first two growing up so I figured I should see how this goes.
  18. Best approach is to stun them with a headshot then run past. Dismembering legs work too. Only time you should worry about killing a zombie is in small rooms and hallways. Otherwise horde that mf ammo
  19. Started on the 2nd run (Claire B) and I gotta say, the difficulty really ramps up. I spent a good amount of time in Danger status, dodging Tyrant and zombies while having to backtrack to the item box to drop off key items. It was awesome. Playing with the original soundtrack swap is delicious, btw. For those that don't know it also includes all the menu sound effects and the announcer for the title screen when you boot up the game.
  20. Yeah, Genma Onimusha has more content but even then I feel like the game would top out around 4 to 5 hours, given you take your time with it.
  21. True, but Jean Reno is a bit higher on the tier if we're being honest.
  22. Beat it last night. Game seemed much longer in my youth, not to mention more challenging. It's still a fun game, though, and I hope they remaster the second one. I can't imagine how they would remaster the third with Jean Reno and all that copyright business, but I wouldn't mind replaying that one too. This remaster is a good holdover till RE2
  23. Snitch or Snitches if you’re trying to get cute with your dirty rat
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