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Everything posted by Opium

  1. One time I dreamt harryfrodo sat me on his lap and read me a really long story with blue text
  2. I drink from the tap and buy from the store. The decision on which I consume is dependent on laziness (tap) or if I have some spare change while shopping for chocolates.
  3. I saw that this movie was edited by a guy while he was having a seizure
  4. I'm about to reach the last area of the game. I've loved it so far. Once you get the parrying down the game eases up considerably. I wish there were armor variants or something, though.
  5. Ah, so that's what all the Viagra is for
  6. My penis is my selfie stick.
  7. New Radicals, Oasis, and Cake. Early Moby too, though only occasionally. Early 2000's pop is the new nostalgia.
  8. By wild you should mean fuckin like wild hogs in a thunderstorm
  9. Get yourself hooked on MomPOV on pornhub and up your game
  10. Be the YouTube legend you were destined to be
  11. I liked them for a little bit but they're one of the bands you should stop listening to at a certain point because if not you'll fall under the bracket of late 20's/early 30's scene dude who dates 14 year olds and cries over them.
  12. You fuckin Betty White?
  13. I went on a first date with a girl yesterday and banged her without a condom and without knowing she was on birth control. I pulled out and splooged but immediately had the sneaking suspicion of life with a child with a girl who, although hot, was kinda crazy. But then she slipped off into the bathroom and showed me her birth control and gave me a wink and I felt that cooling sensation of relief wash over me and I could just enjoy the fact that I got laid. Happy Valentine's, my friends
  14. You would offer a double quarter pounder instead of a big mac
  15. There's nothing wrong with asses, dude. A nice ass is more scrumptious than any shit you'd cobble together with your Walmart ingredients.
  16. Nah shithead it's poetry. Your pickles look like kidney stones and if you reply to this with another letter I'll shove that burger right up your goofy ass -- make you eat out of your real mouth
  17. Your responses are as boring as your plates and your shit ass burger and dry ass lookin fries and tumor ridden pickles
  18. It is a very good thing that you didn't. I like to maintain my food palate for things that aren't poison.
  19. This doesn't look appetizing. It's also unappealing aesthetically due to the amount of space left on the plate. Overall, I won't be recommending this one to our readers or your stomach.
  20. I’ve kinda given up on KH. It’ll probably be me and RE2 and Yakuza Kiwami 2 until Sekiro in March and then... well, nothing I can think of. I feel like with KH I’m just mashing X the whole time.
  21. Just beat 4th Survivor with Hunk — took me a few tries until I made a run while listening to Spotify and finished on the first try. Music is the Green Herb.
  22. Opium

    Finished ffx

    Hard to watch a Spoony vid knowing his spiral into a Twitter twat addict
  23. Opium

    Finished ffx

    You must be biased because that game is an actual embarrassment. I'd rather sit through the laughing scene in FFX than any scene in FFX-2. At least with the laughing scene you might cringe but you get to keep your dignity. The battle system is the only redeeming quality of X-2. Otherwise... I'd hide the fact I played that game from God if I could.
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