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Everything posted by Opium

  1. If I were a Navy SEAL operative I'd make it a personal mission of mine to hunt you down and entrap you, only to unzip your pants and show the world just how small a penis can be.
  2. I'm thinking it must be since all the footage they've ever shown comprises of the first two hours of the original. I can't say I'm excited. Not only due to Square's performance the last couple of years but also due to their cock-teasing antics like this for a game that won't be released for another couple of years. If indeed episodic then don't expect to have the full experience available until you're shitting your diaper in a nursing home.
  3. It's also important to note that nothing pivotal to the plot happened in the crypt. Some nameless zombies killed nameless characters and nothing else.
  4. A lot of people already use Tinder just for friends (at least they claim to be in their bio). It's annoying for those of us trying to get laid, really.
  5. Then I have no means to slap ass with you so you're just gonna have to take my word for it
  6. Did you buy it on PS4 or are you a cuckbox boy
  7. PS4 is better than Xbox and I’d be more than happy to prove it by bouncing your ass off the arena floor and onto a spike
  8. I know about the technicalities of the business, bud. That's besides the point. You don't excuse shit because shit happens -- it's still shit. Budget isn't the issue here, HBO gave them a ton of cash. The time restraints are on them too, considering the network is fine with making money off the series. I was entertained enough to still call the show "good" up until this point, in which I would now tell people not to bother with the show because it runs out of steam. It's not a minority issue. If you'd care to do any research you'd find that many are underwhelmed and disappointed.
  9. The show stopped being about political machinations and instead became about heroes and character fan service. Basically 90's fantasy. Which would be fine if it wasn't something else before.
  10. I'm not -- or at least wasn't -- shitting on anybody for liking it. I feel like they're stupid, but I don't hound them on it. I aired my grievances, as we all do here. It was people who liked it that posted here and had a problem with the episode being negatively received. And no, what part of the 8 year investment concept is lost on you? I want to see how this ends just like everybody else, even if I have absolutely no faith in the conclusion being anything more than a trend on Twitter. Appreciating and evaluating writing in a television show isn't pretension. Just because you don't actually want to think about what you're consuming doesn't mean the opposite is unreasonable. But your attitude towards critical thinking says more about you than about me.
  11. He implied it, but I actually said that people who enjoy it are displaying stupidity. But I don't ultimately care if they do or not. I'm not angry about it, but I'm going to express my concerns for it all the same. The show used to be about more than dragons and oracles. George had a point to make, and instead of respecting that point, the showrunners turned it into Xena Warrior Princess. Personally, I think people should respect themselves enough to expect more from what they decide to spend their time with. The showrunners seem fine with wasting 8 years of mine.
  12. Because their plot is lazy and a slap to the face to anyone invested with a working brain. If reasonable plotting brings a "messy tangent" then you should change your plot to something better. And three episodes isn't even enough to close out the main plot, and I guarantee the next two will be set-up and nothing more till the last episode -- with that being rushed and bullshit just like the Night King war. Getting this damn thing over with is exactly the problem, and it's not a good reason to shit on everything that's been developed. It's lazy.
  13. That has nothing to do with what the characters should be thinking. In fact, that's probably the problem; they got so caught up in external plotting that they forgot that their characters are supposed to be clueless as to their fates. And the fact that they planned this for four years should really shut down any hype for the remaining three episodes. We're dealing with frauds who found it more pertinent to have a zombie polar bear in the show than an appropriate sendoff to the biggest threat in the series.
  14. Correct, getting them as south as possible is the only logical response... which would have done a lot for the story had the Night King been able to make it past Winterfell like he should have.
  15. It definitely fits, I just don't think the writers have shown any capacity for subtlety or logic to the degree that I can actually believe it. The Crypt, the Dothraki charge at the beginning -- hardly anything makes any practical sense.
  16. If they mention it next episode then I'll hand it to you. Otherwise, I think this is a case of people trying to wipe away the shit with their imagination.
  17. Not hearing it, man. He also looks directly at the dragon without any indication he's aware of anything except, you know, a giant fucking dragon breathing fire down on him.
  18. That'd be nice but I guarantee you there's no evidence for it and/or the writers didn't intend it.
  19. Anyone watching this show? It's refreshing to come off one of the worst episodes ever aired on HBO last Sunday (GoT) to one of the best. The show is in its second season and though I've been watching since it premiered, the episode that came on Sunday convinced me to make a thread about it. "ronny/lily" is incredible -- hilarious and violent and impressive within a 38 minute runtime. Check it, sluts.
  20. I'm not stopping anyone from enjoying it. If I am, then that means they're finding reasoning in my argument which challenges their opinion of the show, which means they need to re-evaluate their thoughts.
  21. I don't know about Dane but I actually do feel you should feel bad for liking this shit. You're doing yourself an intellectual disservice to enjoy this bullshit when you were given a very well-written, disciplined story in the first seasons. Mustering any degree of critical thought should shred this blockbuster pandering to pieces but instead some of you are eating it up like it's some fucking crowd-pleaser like the Avengers -- which it tragically is now, but wasn't before.
  22. I agree, but I didn't think they'd fumble so hard here of all places.
  23. I should have guessed that this show would turn into Arya fan fiction and completely pull its punches. They spent 8 years developing the White Walker narrative and don't even let them past Winterfell. Laughable.
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