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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. my cats are waiting for me to die so they can eat my face
  2. Humanish
  3. shit, don't turn me into a mouse
  4. this, then I kept trying to think of a concept where prescription avatars would make sense, couldn't.
  5. I wish I could go to new England to find me some chouriço, I can't find it here.
  6. Yes, when me and my brothers were very small, a friend of mum's invited us over for a play date with her kids, when my mum came to retrieve us, the friend said casually "by the way, they have chicken pox now, you're welcome" mum never had chicken pox, so she told her friend to keep us until we were better.
  7. i prefer Beach Blanket Bingo
  8. Aww, you guys don't say the nicest things.
  9. an oldie, but
  10. i go between buttercream and whippy
  11. just think, this is the first step on your way to becoming first lady.
  12. last night I dreamt that there was a man who planned to wait for a pregnant cat to have her kittens, so he could eat them, then eat the mom cat. I spent the rest of the dream protecting the kitten litter and the mom-cat.
  13. i'm gonna buy a mini bike, but i'm waiting for the delivery to fall on a specific day of the week
  14. a Friday that gets less comfortable over time?
  15. it seems like there is a great deal of poop-related kids toys on the market now
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