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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. nitrites=stomach cancer
  2. I like the Oscar mayer selects angus dogs with no nitrates.nitrites those are the shit a bit pricey, but worth it
  3. or SAD, for short
  4. makes me wanna blow my brains out in the lean cuisine aisle on a Tuesday morning at ralph's
  5. When do you want it?
  6. I had a cat that was foaming at the mouth, but that was after I applied a between-the-shoulder-blades flea treatment that he was able to reach and licked, I immediately took him to the bath
  7. don't worry, things always crash and burn, it'll happen in its own time
  8. I never have the junk food I want and I don't have the ability to get to any store or restaurant
  9. as a teenager, I was horrified that people were reading my mind, so much so that if I were in a room with other people, I would repeat "think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts" over and over again in my mind
  10. you try and you fail the lesson is: don't try
  11. I've been too depressed to do stuff around the house, I haven't done laundry in over a month, i'm out of a lot of clean clothes
  12. to oldies stations and you hear one artist and flip it to another oldies station and you hear the same artist, and you flip to another oldies station and a few minutes later, you hear the same artist and you think "oh my god, did they die? or if they are already dead you think, "oh my god, did they die again?
  13. I don't live in a place that has cool things
  14. skip the postgame show run the regularly scheduled programming without commercials, the station got plenty of ad revenue from the late-running game I know sports fans throw fits cuz they want their games, but don't make other shows/viewers suffer for it
  15. I work tonight, and i'm sure i'll hafta stay late cuz the bitch coming in in the morning forgets how winter works and shows up late every shift she worls
  16. If the controller keeps your hands warm, its win-win
  17. Florida - Hard at work giving the diseases back to the monkeys
  18. I'm pretty sure people only buy them as gag gifts
  19. 37?!? In a row?
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