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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. if you don't have a double boiler a microwave would work just fine microwave in a bowl for 20 seconds, stir, 20 more seconds, stir, and repeat those steps until desired meltiness
  2. have you had the haribo fizzy cola gummies? cola gummies coated in sour sugar, but they aren't sour, they are my favourite gummies
  3. I never found the experience enjoyable, that's just not what I want in my candy
  4. I've never once finished a whole atomic fireball
  5. I am dying to go out to eat somewhere
  6. Now is the time for the clock on my oven to be wrong for 6 months but its ok, my food can't tell time
  7. you can move to one of those towns that doesn't observe DST
  8. i'm not worth knowing anyway
  9. . . . but that's none of my business
  10. I feel like all the fast food places will start calling their chicken nuggets simply "nuggets" in the future, so no one notices and they can get away with serving what the FDA doesn't qualify as good enough to put the word 'chicken' on
  11. i remember a particularly bad beating when my brother used to sneak out of his room at night and eat all the little Debbie snack cakes Mum's husband would beat us with his belt, when he found the cakes missing, he called us both out to the living room and made us lean over a loveseat and beat our asses with it until he found out who actually took the cakes. My brother never admitted it, which made the beatings worse for both of us. Mum stood and watched, I haven't forgiven her for this.
  12. turn on your radio to your local oldies station the song that's playing right now
  13. have some nice soft ice cream
  14. wait for summer and go to Flo's Clam Shack in newport
  15. there is a bomb strapped to your chest, if you don't crochet 1 flower every hour, the bomb will go off
  16. RENO SMASH!!
  17. not gonna lie, I was looking around my supermarket for a good few minutes looking for a nice wedge of asiago
  18. Actual name: Harley nicknames, Harles, Harles Barkley, Harles Nelson Reilly
  19. in my room right now I have juicy drop gummies, Hershey kisses, nerds rope, Swedish fish, Albanese gummy bears, and two mystery candy bags from rocket fizz oh yea, and a pickle rick pickle-flavoured chocolate bar, but that's just a shelf item
  20. I got a bag of jalapeno cheddar chips once that taste just like red hot chips I don't think the chip company knew there is a difference between jalapeno and red hot flavourings
  21. quick, get someone to pee on your face
  22. Solo lemon party
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