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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Sooooo, we're still just letting him pretend he can see a staff folder outside of DF?
  2. You had to search hard to find the one cluster palm trees in Tennessee?
  3. .....context or just batshit.
  4. no
  5. Dear sweet baby Cerberus
  6. .......I think I lost a day....It's fucking Saturday?
  7. I've once almost punched a girl in my sleep, but she was watching me because she said I was fighting in my sleep and she blocked it, and I legit punched my son once while he was in my room playing the game while I was asleep....He just said ow, and I woke up and said "did I punch you" and he was like "yeah, but I'm ok." NB4CPS I've woken up punching my wall several times.
  8. BlackNoir


    If y'all would say that shit, it would be easier. Low key freaks too scared to get down...... But like i said, I'm only moderate at best.....The "I eat ass" chick kinda let me know my boundaries.
  9. Mumbo trolling himself, per normal.
  10. Because you said tip
  11. ......Sigh, not YOUR elitism...Apple's. Where you can only use shit from their store. Amd Westpark wasn't against iPhones, he was against smart phones as a whole....Always bragging about his flip phone.
  12. Ah, Apple's elitism catches another.
  13. Well, I wouldn't say "don't be a weeaboo" but mostly I would just say don't assume she's into something just because it's popular here...And I'm not just talking about anime, but all cultural things that we may have bastardized. I've told you before to leave that whole relationship/hooking up/fwb shit alone and get your grades (typical dad shit) but without me being intrusive, I think you really need to keep your personal life separate. Just seems like you get really close to people quickly and then have severe anxiety when the interaction doesn't play out the way you hoped. And I only say that because reading your posts, I feel like you create these scenarios in you head that people are avoiding, or talking about you or whatever out of anxiety and paranoia when I would wager the reality is, they totally don't see you or a situation for the disaster you've created in your own brain. So with all that said, I just feel like getting you some friends outside of the housing situation would be ideal. I would treat it like work....We share this space for a given amount of time, but my life completely excludes all of you and whatever you have going on *as I pull off to wherever my real friends are* But it's all just words on the internet, only you truly knows what makes you happy and if you desire to be actively involved in your student housing with everyone else, then do you and do you hard......But me, I'd do exactly what I did in college....Sleep there, and study then get in the wind.
  14. When in doubt, remember....the Cardi Bee
  15. Yeah, I'm not even a big animal lover (though I DO love animals more than most people) but that shit pisses me off when there is a new dog trend and then it dies out and no one wants the dogs. There was a whole Pomchi craze here a few years back....Then you suddenly see these little fucks, wet, mangy and in the street....I don't think they were necessarily abandoned, but the owners stopped gaf about their care and they became street mutts....I wonder if I go the the local buy/sell page if I can still find people giving away pomchi/chow mix puppies and shit
  16. So you'd wager is just some non-descript teens? I wonder what they would be passing in code to baffle the masses.
  17. Hmmm, I wonder what kind of people interact in code. Seems shady.
  18. oooh, graffiti.....What's the narrative here?
  19. I.....kinda feel like I already read this thread when it was titled "Things i like about social distancing and masks". Not saying it was you, or even this site...but I've seem this sentiment.
  20. Nope, it's not there and anyone else, including yourself can google it if interested. Point is, you lied and no one should ever take you at face value...
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