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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. I'm going to regret this, but what does this even mean.
  2. I can hunt, my kids have grown tomatoes, peppers, and onions, I have started a fire without a lighter, but lighters exist and i smoke....I can't think of too many reasons I wouldn't have one, but would have lint and flint.....I can't do it rubbing 2 sticks together, if that's what you mean. I haven't hunted in decades, but I'm sure I can still kill dinner if i had to.....Never been fishing. Scared of water. Childhood trauma.
  3. Honestly, I would say there were too many people that hated your shit but couldn't resist reading it and that's why you're gone....Not because of your terrible posts....but because of their lack of elf control....Dr. Jan Itor is every bit as abrasive as you, but he still gets to bandy about bigoted bullshit.....The solution....Don't fucking read it. I don't know whose toes Zeni sucked to get his ability to post back, because his surgery story isn't selling well to most of us, and he's right back doing what he does. If I had my say, you'd get one more shot under the new rule set since we apparently have rules now, and if you fucked up, then you'd fuck off......But if you were in discord, I have no idea what you did there that might have put you in deeper shit than Zeni. But yeah, not nearly enough traffic to hide....They could always confine you do DF and you'd just be our problem.....But that I guess it's probably just easier to slam the door on ya.
  4. Dad it is then.
  5. The impression that I'm under is the Christianity is basically a bootleg of every religion that existed before it, and was modified to fit European values, not any one else's. so Jew God and Jesus, while the same on in many respects....Are NOT the same in all and therefore NOT Christian god.
  6. Not sure how they do but Christianity and Judaism do
  7. ....i dont think this is proper proof, but ill take it
  8. Apparently I won't be sleeping tonight, and that's cool, I had shit to do but that means I get to sit up and think stupid shit. (typos aplenty incoming because I ain't googling shit) Like how other religion's God's have names...Like Ganesha or whatever, and Yaweh is just Jesus, right (Legit asking, I'm a heathen)...And even in Christianity, the Devil has names...Bealzebub and Satan and....Well, there are others i can't think of rn but you get the point. But does Christian God ever go by like Jaime or some shit or is he always just "god"....Because that seems lazy and dumb to me....I'm hoping I'm wrong and he actually does have a proper noun name. is Baal and Bael the same dude?
  9. I'm over the olympics. What they did to Biles was just....I mean, how can ANYONE justify that. "you're too good to be the best"....WTF? But enough debbie downer shit....The Olympic should just be like the army draft, you get a letter in the mail and it says "We chose YOU _________ to represent (whatever country you're in) to this particular event. You got 4 years to get ready. So if you're 5'1 and 112 lbs and yu get chose for shotput, buetter get in line..
  10. I just saw it in my recommendeds....Anyone catch it yet?
  11. No one wants to see Superman ever.....Ask anyone born after 1980 who their favorite super hero is and I'll bet almost no onse says Superman except people who don't watch or read about super heroes and that's the only one they know.
  12. I saw something recently....maybe black widow, where they referenced Oklahoma.
  13. I thought doge was doing well..... I took bit because it was cheapest but seemed to have the most potential. It's not impressing me but then it does some shit and I'm like hooooooooooooold
  14. COOL, you can do this....What is that things name. As we were talking about my son's lizard, I was like "he's weak against top man", but I was thinking of Snake man, then I thought, wait....He's from X....What the fuck was the Chameleons name...But I refuse to google it. I almost redownloaded it to my playstation just to fight him and find out..... WHAT'S HIS NAME....Like my only memory is him sticking his tongue into the roof, swinging, and dropping shit on you.
  15. Alright my alpha gators, just stay away from the stray cats, pls.
  16. No, and i can't say I'm 100% on what a souffle is. Have you ever eaten something that was expired
  17. Nevermind, I found my answer.... Kudos on the reassignment, BUT my real interest was if you were RACM....You rustled some nice jimmies over the years and frankly, I don't like to be disappointed....So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  18. I'm just going to say this to you and you can do with it what you will....but the board...well, babbling, agreed to not engage packard ever again.  So, unless you really want to just have that conversation with him, it's not going to turn into the shit fest it usually does.  it will literally just be you engaging in good faith and getting none of it back in return.


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