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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Yep, you have to be blitzed af to be a scientologist
  2. So what im getting here is the people who make fun of the alleged "boomers" are upset they can't collect piles and piles of physical media because progess is ruining the world.
  3. The bodies are on ice except for the tonges, because those he eats.
  4. Remake or gtfo.....FF8 remaster was ass
  5. It was but pooh talked him into putting it back.
  6. BlackNoir


  7. HERE it is. After all of out trials and tribulations, I donned my sword and shield...Pooh tok the throne.
  8. Luuv's reason for nixing DF was FFA traffic slowed down.....Sounds like FFA's fault.
  9. And I've been saying this shit for years....Only difference, Luuv knew I was right.
  10. futility aside, I just have a lot of time on my hands this morning.
  11. The fact that people tell you it's a bad idea and you retort with How can I go back to ramen after I saw a 5 star restaurant I haven't even eaten in.....Sounds like you've claimed something you haven't touched and consider it yours. This is just out of context though and that might be confounding some people.....The fact being that she has no clue about your feelings and you have no clue about tact, or simple social decency.
  12. .....i dont.... Ok
  13. A charge? ....Highly doubt it, but yay for money I guess
  14. WE ARE EATING SQUIRELL AND SWIMMING....We ain't got a prayer.
  15. ......Who's all there? Wait....you mean if it's just me and Mix? I guess which ever one of us gets smart and relizes it better him than me the soonest.... Mix, stay very far away from me during the pocketlips.
  16. All I'm bringing to the table is I can hunt and I should have a lighter.....My kids grew the veggies, not me.....Best i can do is squirell steaks, man......Until we kick off the cannibalism thing
  17. It's my fault that y'all fell for that shit....I didn't fall for it....wtf is wrong with y'all.
  18. Oh fuck, I've been looking for this though....Thanks for the bump
  19. Sooooo.this is me, a few posts in letting you all know that it was likely bullshit...but yeah, I'm the reason he's back. I'll take the blame for Packass....but this ain't on me.
  20. Like I said, I said he asked to come back to tell us goodbye.....He didn't, I was fucking lying....I think I even said it in that thread. Zeni had no clue what I was doing....He didn't show up until people decided they wanted to see for themselves and gave him a platform to look shitty while smiling.
  21. Yeah, because I'm the one not banning him...foh
  22. Nah, he's b;aming it on me....I didn't do shit.....If anything, I was trolling Zeni.
  23. Yup.....I knew it. I made a thread about him dying....Zeni didn't know about it, and I never told Zeni I made it.....LeGundam (And I'm calling her that because I have name for 80% of the people here, so eat me....Not going to dedicate it to memory just like I don't dedicate Benji's name to memory) went to FB and drug him here....That wasn't me.
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