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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. ...I hate having to cancel my faps.
  2. https://www.ihorror.com/elvira-comes-out-in-her-new-memoir-yours-cruelly-elvira/ Swing and a miss
  3. Forgot Queen of the Damned
  4. hbd
  5. My mom is here and I'm always so happy when she shows up but it takes no more that 20 minutes for me to remember why this woman irks my nerves. Mama: can i run in dollar tree Me: i gotta get these crickets home, they'll die in this bag Mama: I'll be fast Me: you can barely walk, fast isnt an option Mama: i just need to get some toothpaste and some qtips Me: it's not that, these crickets will die and prowler wont eat them dead.....no telling when I can get more *as I pull out of strip mall* Mama: ........can we stop at the grocery store Me: *facepalm*
  6. .....eh, I'll give you that as long as Galford is the Takis of ninjas
  7. This....this is what true horror looks like
  8. OJ is short for orange justice
  9. My daughter like their Moser Roth Dark Sea......I always wondered why she insists on going there for it when i just assumed it was shittier chocolate.
  10. Say it 5 times..... And leave out brownies
  11. I was disappointed that it wasn't....Not because i want Rick dead or anything, but this thread title should have always been reserved for his RIP thread....now it's tainted.
  12. Dr, Dr....gimme the news.....
  13. Back when i cared, i read somewhere that the slender man thing started here, but I've since heard 1000 conflicting stories so thats all i got. I know i have some from home but seriously cant recall any now
  14. Fake medical issue time....Good, I was starting to get bored
  15. That dog looks sedated af
  16. Lmfao at nabs calling any liberal a fraud....does he read his own posts
  17. I didn't dislike him, but when it first started, he was solo (the show was actually called extended play then) he was solo, but after he had Morgan as a co-host and they reverted back to just him, it just didn't feel right. His personality couldn't hold the show anymore after you had the duo do it.
  18. Before the channel tanked, they had Adam doing X-play alone and it sucked.....Without Morgan Webb, or at least some other co-host, it won't really be that good because he was an aged, annoying netd in the early 00s....I'm sure he hasn't bolstered that personality much over the years.
  19. That's where it should have stayed....But I like to see people try
  20. Besides nostalgia junkies, I don't see how this will take off. Not getting cable to watch it....Do streaming services have G4. Also, without Laura Swisher, can't say I actually gaf.
  21. Kinda glad I didn't have to suffer through it....But I'll admit....I might disney+ that shit one night out of sheer boredom.
  22. @me when we get to the Biden boner part.
  23. Sorry, i dont get the reference. I would say its some fnaf shit but i dont think that's your bag
  24. Yeah, DF has just been teeming with posts clamoring for your return....but i made katt hide them from your accout to save us the embarrassment
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