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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. I need a video of you saying spiel...i really cant imagine you saying it the way im hearing it in my head. Or a clip of anyone saying it...doesnt have to be you.
  2. .......its just carbonated and slightly salty. Im old and need to force burps sometimes.
  3. There is no h in the word or the pronunciation....but you've already discovered this for yourself so let's talk about mineral water...how great is that shit
  4. ive seen so many asses busted
  5. Can i try some of that, sir? ....but i have no clue...chosen it is
  6. Final Fantasy 6 is usually my default answer, but much like the TV question, there is no way I could fully choose because I'll always think of something I enjoyed just as much if not more. Right now I'm a Nioh2 fanboy so it's the best shit ever....for the moment.
  7. I dunno....Frisky Dingo or some shit...I mean, it's just an impossible question to answer
  8. LOL, that's what he looks like now....Does he think he's a Blood like Chris Brown?
  9. Go sit your hot ass down somewhere....discussing babies and shit. Who do you think you are
  10. Im confused, is he a mod....someone put a stop to this in the public eye, im so bufuddled by these posts and i feel something should be done
  11. This....hes here for this right here. He thanks you. Don't give him the satisfaction or keep feeding him
  12. Oh, you know what you did...im not playing that game with you. But just like Kefka, im still kinda rooting for ya
  13. I kinda meant if next time you dont jump into the fray, but just hop straight to the clubs...and dont use your clown shtick or the y bullshit.... Just interested in how tightly this ship is run.... And you must have breadcrumbs in your pocket...you're attracting ducks.
  14. *p-chhhhhck* Screencap for later
  15. Aw, lame....rip
  16. I wonder if you're allowed to start a club
  17. Does he still have dealerships out there....I mean I assume he's either dead or an invalid but I was wondering if the brand still exists
  18. I mean look, I was like 6....When you're a kid, you just hear things differently. I got in trouble (a paddlin' because those were still legal then) for singing this commercial. The problem is, I didn't hear "go see Cal".....I always heard "pussy cow, pussy cow, pussy cow"
  19. Don't use them...I barely trust the people in the restaurant....why would I give a 3rd party a chance to fuck with my food. I can't believe people are this lazy.
  20. The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had
  21. Just wait until she finds out about the genocide.
  22. Remember the show V..... not the remake, the old one from the 80s
  23. No, that takes time away from enforcing fly by night rules.
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