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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. What pain relievers are you taking?
  2. I guess a baby in her 50's but probably not with a billionaire.
  3. Happy Birthday Neko!
  4. Whole Foods was so disappointing when I first went there. The produce was so-so, their pantry selection was no better than regular stores, that overpriced food bar was mediocre as fuck, and the only thing above average was their meat variety. The first time I went to Trader Joe's, my ass had to be practically dragged out of that store just because of their darn frozen food section.
  5. This.
  6. I was prepared to make fun of it, but I actually liked the trailer.
  7. I haven't played in years, but Kitana was my favorite because it was fun to fuck up characters with her fans. Kabal too with whatever the fuck his weapons were called. My least favorite character was Stryker.
  9. I need a March Comes in Like a Lion season 3 announcement so fucking badly, and no one will give it to me!
  10. Just wait for the second season to end and then watch it with a hulu free trial. The version you pay extra for without ads is part of it. You just gotta remember to cancel it in time.
  11. Yes when I'm caught up on work and can leisurely enjoy the cuteness.
  12. The fact that this appeals to me is probably another reason why I liked the movie.
  13. Procrastination.
  14. Ragnarok was different enough from the other Thor movies to where it can almost feel like a reboot. If you were into the previous movies and wanted consistency among the films, Ragnarok could really annoy some people. In my case, I wasn't into the other Thor movies and ended up really liking Ragnarok because it was so different. And getting to watch Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie let me forgive any flaws.
  15. AWWWWW! Congratulations!
  16. I just added it to my watchlist today, so I can watch it while working.
  17. Add in Black Panther and Deadpool for a top five and pretty much samesies. I'll go see Captain Marvel because it probably won't disappoint me as much as the Avengers movies did.
  18. Do you like any of the Marvel movies?
  19. Whoa, dude. Black Rambo is way too intense for me. For motivation, I do things like buying clothes that are too small but are a realistic future size for me. So it was either be a dumbass with a bunch of pretty clothes that don't fit, or lose the weight. It feels really good when more of the new stuff fits me because of the achievement boost and knowing money didn't get wasted on clothes that would eventually become too big.
  20. My goal was to lose weight so I can stay out of a wheelchair and wear pretty clothes again(cute big women clothing stores are scarce as fuck). Due to my shitty nervous system, every day is very painful. I can actually feel the fat breaking down, and I'm going through three times as many pain relievers. I've gotten used to the pain and what's the most annoying is that I want some fucking ice cream tonight, but I can tell there's more fat burning in my legs. So that means being good by exercising my legs tonight and no creamy coffee, chocolatey goodness. There's hot fudge in the fridge too. FUUUUUCCCKK.
  21. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

  22. Shot Caller - 6/10 The best I can say is the acting is good. Money's whole arc just feels unrealistic though.
  23. Neon Demon - 4/10 This movie just felt pointless, and even the basic description spoils the ending. But I probably would have been just as bored if I didn't know what was coming. The Handmaiden - 10/10 Came for dudes getting screwed over and stayed for the lesbian sex. And Jesus that lady's uncle was fucked up. We Need to Talk About Kevin - 6/10 Kinda pointless too. You can guess everything that happened from the first couple of minutes, and while the flashbacks when Kevin was little were the most interesting scenes, the rest of the movie felt too drawn out just trying to get to that ending. Five Came Back - 10/10 This is one of those early versions of a group of people from all walks of life are stranded together after a disaster and then fight to survive. What really makes this movie work is that it's fairly realistic about how people would react in that situation, and who would most likely become selfish troublemakers. The Little Foxes - 9/10 This is sort of a social commentary about greedy folks in the deep south during the early 1900's. The story focuses on a matriarch(wonderfully despicable Bette Davis) working with her brothers to nag her husband into funding a factory(sweat shop), and their behavior is pretty much identical to present day politicians and business owners which gives this 1940's movie an almost modern feel sometimes.
  24. If you have the Kindle app on your phone, maybe you can distract yourself by reading free bad shifter erotica.
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