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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. This might be because I enjoy spending birthdays going out to eat with closest friends or family and don't want a party, but reading this made me physically cringe away from my laptop. I just...
  2. Diablero episode 3 on Netflix. It's a Mexican demon hunting show, and I'm really digging it.
  3. I was gonna be so disappointed if no one posted this.
  4. Government name - mostly white pages type stuff and mentions in obituaries and condolences. Writing pseudonym - a heck lot more pages. I only look up the latter when I can handle reading reviews.
  5. At this point, it wouldn't even surprise me. And before you start bitching at me, this was the joke you chose to go with.
  6. Ugh, it's so disappointing having reality snatch things from you. I comfort myself by thinking that my naive ass would have gotten serial-killed if I had gone.
  7. I became so cynical after Sarah Lawrence sent me an invitation, and there was just no way financially to go. After crunching the numbers, it would have taken several scholarships(like 8+) to afford living in New York for multiple semesters, and I had no mental energy after just finishing two years of classes in one year while still working a fast food job. Then add in very little support because no one in my family has been to a college like this, so they just accepted the school counselor's opinion that I would fail to get the scholarships. So yay for a few cheaters getting caught, but it's still frustrating that after you wedge your foot in the door, those kind of schools do nothing else to help you the rest of the way through.
  8. Yeah it's pretty much nice hangout time with friends. I just appreciate the fact that we can still get together like this and not be bored.
  9. Once in middle school and diddly squat happened. I've talked about it before, but the haunted boot camp building is what ended any curiosity about that shit for me.
  10. I saw a oujia board in the store and walked away from it. The end.
  11. Oh now I see this. I used to work there, but I'm too lazy to do anything at home besides the occasional pretty parfait.
  12. Seven Deadly Sins pizza
  13. HA! I forgot this movie existed.
  14. The texture and smell of boiled peanuts has bothered me since getting older, but seeing the signs for them while traveling back home from up north is very comforting.
  15. We honestly got it as a last resort. My dog got started off on an all natural dog food given to us as a free sample from Petsmart, and when that ran out, he chewed the crap out of his skin after we got him the regular stuff. What was in our price range dwindled even more because there were a bunch of recalls that year. Nutrish had just gotten into Walmart stores and since it was the only brand there not being whacked by recalls, we tried it. Sure it's not as healthy as all natural, but we can afford it and my dog's happy with it. I'll still make fun of Rachel Ray's bland ass human food though.
  16. I generally buy the Nutrish chicken and veggies because it's decently priced(where I'm at) and my allergic ass dog with a sensitive stomach tolerates it well.
  17. BBQ Pringles, apples, cheese sticks, Ritz crackers, those Pepperidge Farm cherry turnovers, cookies, ice cream, and Spanish or honey roasted peanuts.
  18. That, putting out crappy work, closing suddenly so artists/writers didn't get paid the royalties they were owed, and other crap. It was a full on clusterfuck because the company was mishandled so badly. Viz probably won't be in the same boat because it's better run, but after Tokyopop burned so many people, a lot of folks are being cautious.
  19. This just happened: https://www.viz.com/originals "VIZ to publish original graphic novels! Get your portfolios ready! What is VIZ Originals? VIZ Originals is a new imprint of VIZ Media dedicated to publishing original graphic novels developed by manga-inspired creators. What kind of graphic novels are you looking for? At VIZ, we love manga and are looking for dynamic paneling, skillful black-and-white artwork and compelling stories that keep readers hooked. We’re interested in fantasy, adventure, romance, horror, sci-fi and slice-of-life works that appeal to both young adult and adult fans. I’m a creator! How can I submit my work for consideration? There will be two types of opportunities to submit your work to VIZ Originals. Portfolio Reviews: We will hold portfolio review sessions at various events around the country throughout the year. Stay tuned for the list of upcoming events in 2019! Online Submissions: Our portal will be launched at the end of the year. Please check back for more information! Please note: We are only able to review material as described above. Any unsolicited submissions received by mail cannot be read and will be recycled." People are waiting to see what their contracts look like first because Tokyopop did the same thing and screwed over a bunch of people.
  20. *Just added "Bomb A Head" as my ringtone* I'm sorry, what is this thing about not letting friends know you like crappy music? But seriously, screw the concept of guilty pleasures. If you like something that doesn't harm people, let your freak flag fly high. With 225,354,593 views, @imchapp.in, you should feel proud to sing this where your friends can hear you.
  21. I can mimic accents pretty accurately and some voices too. The best voice I can do after practicing is Eartha Kitt.
  22. *Googles* That shit looks like it'll fuck up your shoulders.
  23. I get lucky when trying to reach for whipping cream because there's usually some nice worker inside the cooler who sees me struggling and pushes the cartons forward. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened though.
  24. Keep me out of the bullshit.
  25. I hope you're feeling better.
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